AdapterData Class

Represents an adapter.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.WebApi.Models
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.WebApiCore (in Dundas.BI.WebApiCore.dll) Version: (
public class AdapterData : BaseDataContract

The AdapterData type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdapterData
Initializes a new instance of the AdapterData class.
Public propertyAlignedAdapterIds
Gets the aligned adapter IDs.
Public propertyAlignedAxes
Gets the data alignments.
Public propertyAllowedReVisualizingAdapterObjectNames
Gets the allowed fully qualified name of adapters to be shown when the user wants to re-visualize an adapter, along with an optional adapter data information separated by a '|'. If this list has a 0 length, then all items are assumed allowed.
Public propertyBaseZIndex
Gets or sets the base Z-index.
Public propertyBlurActions
Gets the blur actions.
Public propertyCellGroupId
Gets or sets the group ID.
Public propertyClickActions
Gets the click actions.
Public propertyColumn
Gets or sets the column.
Public propertyColumnSpan
Gets or sets the column span.
Public propertyContextMenuShowingActions
Gets the context menu showing actions.
Public propertyCursor
Gets or sets the cursor.
Public propertyData
Gets or sets the data for the control (JSON serialized object).
Public propertyDataAutoRefreshInterval
Gets or sets the data auto refresh interval. This number indicates the number of seconds that should elapse before the adapter auto-refreshes its data. If this is set to null or 0, refresh will not occur.
Public propertyDataChangedActions
Gets the data changed actions.
Public propertyDataErrorActions
Gets the data error actions.
Public propertyDisabledApplicationPrivileges
Gets the disabled application privileges. This is a list of each application privilege ID which should be disabled regardless of the user's application-wide privilege.
Public propertyDockLocation
Gets or sets the dock location.
Public propertyDoubleClickActions
Gets the double click actions.
Public propertyExpandedWidthHeight
Gets or sets the expanded width or expanded height.
Public propertyFocusActions
Gets the focus actions.
Public propertyFontColor
Gets or sets the font color.
Public propertyFontFamily
Gets or sets the font family.
Public propertyFontSize
Gets or sets the size of the font.
Public propertyFontStyle
Gets or sets the font style.
Public propertyFontVariant
Gets or sets the font variant.
Public propertyFontWeight
Gets or sets the font weight.
Public propertyFriendlyName
Gets or sets the friendly name.
Public propertyGroupId
Gets or sets the ID of the group.
Public propertyHeight
Gets or sets the height.
Public propertyHoverActions
Gets the hover actions.
Public propertyId
Gets or sets the ID.
Public propertyIsAutoLoadedDataDisabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether data is auto loaded for this Adapter.
Public propertyIsCellGroupHeader
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the cell group is a header.
Public propertyIsHeaderRow
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to make the template cell always span the width of its group (or canvas without group) in responsive view mode.
Public propertyIsHidden
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Adapter is hidden.
Public propertyIsLoadingScreenDisabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the loading screen is disabled for this Adapter.
Public propertyIsLocked
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this adapter is locked.
Public propertyIsNoDataIndicatorDisabled
Gets or sets a value specifying whether a no data overlay should be shown on this Adapter when an empty data result is returned.
Public propertyIsSelfAlignedByParent
Gets or sets a value indicating whether AlignedAxes are grouped by their parent when this Adapter is used in a repeater.
Public propertyIsSticky
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to make the template cell stick to the top (or left) of the view port so that it is always visible even if it is scrolled out of.
Public propertyIsTemplateLayer
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is template layer.
Public propertyLayerId
Gets or sets the ID of the layer.
Public propertyLeft
Gets or sets the left.
Public propertyLegendId
Gets or sets the ID of the legend.
Public propertyLineHeight
Gets or sets the height of the line.
Public propertyMaxHeight
Gets or sets the maximum height.
Public propertyMaxWidth
Gets or sets the maximum width.
Public propertyMetricSetBindings
Gets the bindings.
Public propertyMouseDownActions
Gets the mouse down actions.
Public propertyMouseEnterActions
Gets the mouse enter actions.
Public propertyMouseHoldActions
Gets the mouse hold actions.
Public propertyMouseLeaveActions
Gets the mouse leave actions.
Public propertyMouseMoveActions
Gets the mouse move actions.
Public propertyMouseUpActions
Gets the mouse up actions.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name.
Public propertyNoDataActions
Gets the no data actions.
Public propertyOpacity
Gets or sets the opacity.
Public propertyParameterValueChangedActions
Gets the parameter value changed actions.
Public propertyPositionKind
Gets or sets the kind of the position.
Public propertyReVisualizedActions
Gets the re-visualized actions.
Public propertyReVisualizingActions
Gets the re-visualizing actions.
Public propertyRow
Gets or sets the row.
Public propertyRowSpan
Gets or sets the row span.
Public propertyTabIndex
Gets or sets the tab-index.
Public propertyTemplateCellId
Gets or sets the ID of the template cell (if any).
Public propertyTextDecoration
Gets or sets the text decoration.
Public propertyTextTransform
Gets or sets the text transform.
Public propertyTooltipDelay
Gets or sets the tooltip delay.
Public propertyTooltipText
Gets or sets the tooltip text.
Public propertyTop
Gets or sets the top.
Public propertyUIClassName
Gets or sets the name of the UI class (used for auto de-serialization).
(Inherited from BaseDataContract.)
Public propertyViewParameterIds
Gets the view parameter IDs.
Public propertyWidth
Gets or sets the width.
Public propertyZIndex
Gets or sets the z-index.
Public methodStatic memberFromDataContractMappings
The mapping between AdapterData and Adapter.
Public methodStatic memberToDataContractMappings
The mapping between Adapter and AdapterData.
See Also