Dundas.BI.WebApi.Models Namespace |
Class | Description | |
AccountData |
Base data contract object for returning an Account through REST API.
| |
AccountInfoOrderByData |
The data contract class for a order by entry for QueryAccountInfosOptions.
| |
AccountInfoQueryFilterRuleData |
The data transfer object for AccountInfoQueryFilterRule.
| |
AccountOrderByData |
The data contract class for a order by entry for QueryAccountsOptions.
| |
AccountQueryFilterRuleData |
The data transfer object for AccountQueryFilterRule.
| |
AccountRegistrationRequestData |
The account registration request object to return to the user for pending requests.
| |
AccountRegistrationRequestOptions |
The options class for providing account registration details.
| |
AccountTransferItemData |
Represents an AccountTransferItem item.
| |
ActionData |
Represents any ActionBase. This is a massive DTO class because we can't tell the derived type JSON sends us (like FileData).
| |
ActivationResultData |
Base data contract object for returning an ActivationResult through the REST API.
| |
AdapterData |
Represents an adapter.
| |
AddCustomHierarchyGroupOptions |
The options class used to add a custom hierarchy group to the metric set.
| |
AddDynamicHierarchyOptions |
The options class used to add a dynamic measure to the metric set.
| |
AddDynamicMeasureOptions |
The options class used to add a dynamic measure to the metric set.
| |
AddElementOptions |
The options class used to add an element to the metric set.
| |
AddHierarchyLevelOptions |
The options class used for adding a level to a hierarchy.
| |
AddParallelPeriodMeasureOptions |
The options class used to add a parallel period measure to the metric set.
| |
AddParallelSlicerMeasureOptions |
The options class used to add a parallel slicer measure to the metric set.
| |
AddReplaceHierarchyOptions |
The options class used to add an element to the metric set.
| |
AddScriptMeasureOptions |
Represents the options used when adding a script measure to a MetricSet.
| |
AddScriptMetricSetOptions |
The data contract for the options for generating a script metric set.
| |
AddSelectTransformOptions |
The DTO class for specifying how to add a select transform to a data cube.
| |
AddStateGroupOptions |
The options class used to add a state group to the metric set.
| |
AlignedAxisData |
Represents an alignment between two data alignable items within adapters.
| |
AnalysisElementData |
The DTO class for IAnalysisElement.
| |
AnalysisElementUsageData |
The DTO class for AnalysisElementUsage.
| |
AnalysisStructureData |
The DTO class for IAnalysisStructure.
| |
AnnotationData |
Base data contract object for returning an Annotation.
| |
AnnotationReplyOptions |
Options class for creating a reply to an Annotation.
| |
AppConfigSettingValueData |
The data class used for representing an application configuration setting value.
| |
ApplicationInfoData |
Base data contract object for returning an ApplicationInfo through REST API.
| |
AppResourceInfoData |
Base data contract object for returning an AppResourceInfo through REST API.
| |
AppResourceTransferItemData |
Represents an AppResourceTransferItem.
| |
ApproveRequestOptions |
The options class for providing approve request information.
| |
AppSettingData |
Base data contract object for returning an AppSetting through REST API.
| |
AppSettingDetailData |
The data class used for representing an application configuration setting's details.
| |
AppSettingTransferItemData |
Represents an AppSettingTransferItem.
| |
AppSettingTransferSpecData |
Represents an AppSettingTransferSpec.
| |
AppSettingValueData |
The data class used for representing an application configuration setting value.
| |
AppSettingValuesData |
Represents the object to return for localization data.
| |
AttachedParameterInfoData |
The DTO of AttachedParameterInfo.
| |
BaseDataContract |
The base class for representing a data contract based on some business object (for auto de-serialization).
| |
BatchCellSetData |
The data contract class for BatchCellset class.
| |
BatchDataCellsetData |
Represents the data contract for a BatchCellset class.
| |
BatchDataRegionStatisticsRequestData |
The data contract object for requesting data region statistics through the
IDataRetrievalService.RetrieveDataRegionStatisticsAsync method.
| |
BatchDeleteOptions |
The DTO for providing options for delete files and folders.
| |
BatchedDataRequestData |
The data contract object for requesting a BatchedClientRequest class.
| |
BatchedResultData |
Represents the data contract for a BatchedResult class.
| |
BatchInfoData |
The data contract object for a BatchInfo class.
| |
BatchOperationResultData |
The DTO object for BatchOperationResultTFailureReason.
| |
BindingData |
Represents a binding.
| |
BridgeParameterData |
The DTO of BridgeParameter.
| |
BridgeParameterOptions |
The DTO class for requesting a bridge parameter on a data process.
| |
BrushData | ||
BuiltInResourceInfoData |
Base data contract object for returning an BuiltInResourceInfo through REST API.
| |
CalculatedMemberData |
Virtual cube calculated member.
| |
CalendarLevelMappingData |
Basic calendar level mapping class.
| |
ChangeAnalysisElementVisibilityOptions |
The DTO class for showing and hiding analysis element's on a data cube.
| |
ChangePasswordOptions |
The options class used for changing a user password.
| |
CheckInFailureDetailData |
A key/value pair element corresponding to a KeyValuePairTKey, TValue.
| |
CheckInIdsOptions |
The DTO for providing options for checking in a file.
| |
CheckInOptions |
The DTO for providing options for checking in a file.
| |
CheckInResultData |
The DTO object for CheckInResult.
| |
CheckOutFailureDetailData |
A key/value pair element corresponding to a KeyValuePairTKey, TValue.
| |
CheckOutResultData |
The DTO object for CheckOutResult.
| |
ClearCacheOptions |
The DTO class for specifying options when accessing the Admin Controller.
| |
CodeLibraryData |
The DTO object for a CodeLibrary.
| |
ComponentSettingData | ||
ConfigureAttributeHierarchiesOptions |
The options class used for configuring an attribute hierarchy.
| |
ConfigValueOptions |
The options class used for setting an application configuration value.
| |
ConnectorElementData |
The DTO class for ConnectorElement.
| |
ConnectorElementInfoData |
The DTO for ConnectorElementInfo.
| |
ConnectTransformOptions |
The DTO class for specifying how to connect 2 transforms.
| |
ContentElementData |
Base data contract object for returning an ContentElement through REST API.
| |
ContextualValueData |
The DTO object for a ContextualValue object.
| |
CopyEntryOptions | Options for copying a file system entry. | |
CopyLocalizationOptions |
Base data contract object for supplying information when copying a localization.
| |
CopyResultData | Base data contract object for returning an CopyResult through REST API. | |
CorrectionValueData |
The DTO class for CorrectionValue.
| |
CreateAnnotationOptions |
Options class for creating an Annotation.
| |
CreateContextualMeasureValueOptions |
The data contract class used to provide options for creating a contextual measure value.
| |
CreateFolderOptions |
The options class used for creating a folder.
| |
CreateMeasureCorrectionValueOptions |
The data contract class used to provide options for creating a measure correction value.
| |
CreateProjectOptions |
The DTO class for specifying options when duplicating projects.
| |
CreateTokenOptions |
The options class used for creating a token.
| |
CrossFilterValueData |
The DTO for CrossFilterValue.
| |
CubeDescriptorData |
Class that represents metadata used in virtual cube.
| |
CubePerspectiveData |
The entity used to encapsulate CubePerspective objects.
| |
CustomAttributeData |
Represents an IDictionary Guid,CustomAttributeValue class for JavaScript.
| |
CustomAttributeInfoData |
Base data contract object for returning an CustomAttributeInfo through REST API.
| |
CustomAttributeInfoListItemData |
Represents an IDictionary Guid,CustomAttributeInfoData class for JavaScript.
| |
CustomAttributeReferencesData |
Represents the account, group, and file system entity references of a custom attribute for JavaScript.
| |
CustomAttributeTransferItemData |
Represents an CustomAttributeTransferItem item.
| |
CustomAttributeValueData |
Represents the data contract for CustomAttributeValue.
| |
CustomStateData |
The DTO class for CustomState.
| |
DataCellData |
Represents a data contract for DataCell class.
| |
DataCellSetData |
The data contract class for DataCellset class.
| |
DataConnectorData |
The DTO object for a DataConnector.
| |
DataCubeData |
The DTO object for a DataCube.
| |
DataCubeInfoData |
The DTO object for a DataCubeInfo.
| |
DataCubeJoinData |
The DTO class for sending back a DataCubeJoin object.
| |
DataDiscoveryMigrationMessageData | Base data contract object for returning a DataDiscoveryMigrationMessage object through REST API. | |
DataDiscoveryMigrationResultData | Base data contract object for returning a DataDiscoveryMigrationResult object through REST API. | |
DataDiscoveryMigrationResultSummaryData | Base data contract object for returning a DataDiscoveryMigrationResultSummary object through REST API. | |
DataDrivenConditionData |
Base data contract object for returning an DataDrivenCondition through REST API.
| |
DataElementData |
The DTO class for IDataElement.
| |
DataElementStructureData |
The DTO class for IDataElementStructure.
| |
DataProcessData |
The DTO object for a DataProcess.
| |
DataPropertyData |
Represents the data contract for a DataProperty class.
| |
DataProviderData |
The DTO object for a DataProviderInfo object.
| |
DataRegionData |
The data contract class to represent a DataRegion class.
| |
DataRegionDateTimeRangeData |
The data contract class to represent a DataRegionDateTimeRange class.
| |
DataRegionNumericRangeData |
The data contract class to represent a DataRegionNumericRange class.
| |
DataRegionOrdinalsData |
The data contract class to represent a DataRegionOrdinals class.
| |
DataRegionRangeDataT |
The data contract class to represent a class deriving from DataRegionRangeT.
| |
DataRegionStatisticsRequestData |
The data contract object for requesting data region statistics through the
IDataRetrievalService.RetrieveDataRegionStatisticsAsync method.
| |
DataRequestData |
The data contract object for requesting a ClientRequest class.
| |
DataResultData |
Represents the data contract for a DataResult class.
| |
DataStampData |
The data contract class that represents a DataStamp class.
| |
DataStorageColumnOptions |
The data contract class used to provide options to add or rename a data input column.
| |
DataStorageDeleteRecordsOptions |
The data contract class used to provide options to delete multiple data records.
| |
DataStorageInsertRecordOptions |
The data contract class used to provide options to adding a data record.
| |
DataStorageInsertRecordsOptions |
The data contract class used to provide options to adding multiple data records.
| |
DataStorageUpdateRecordOptions |
The data contract class used to provide options to add or update or delete a data record.
| |
DataStorageUpdateRecordsDataOptions |
The data contract class used to provide options to add or update or delete multiple data records.
| |
DataStorageUpdateRecordsOptions |
The data contract class used to provide options to add or update or delete multiple data records.
| |
DataTupleData |
Represents a data contract for DataTuple class.
| |
DataTypeData |
The DTO object for a DataType.
| |
DataWarningData |
The data contract class that represents a DataWarning class.
| |
DateMappingData |
Basic date mapping class.
| |
DefaultViewParameterValueData |
Represents a default view parameter value.
| |
DeleteFailureDetailData |
A key/value pair element corresponding to a KeyValuePairTKey, TValue.
| |
DeleteItemResultData |
Base data contract object for returning an DeleteItemResult through REST API.
| |
DeleteLogEntriesOptions |
The options class used for deleting log entries.
| |
DeleteLogOnHistoryRecordsOptions |
The options class used for deleting log on history records.
| |
DeleteOldEntityOptions |
The options class used for deleting old entity data.
| |
DeleteResultData |
The DTO object for DeleteResult.
| |
DeleteSessionsOptions |
The options class used for deleting sessions.
| |
DeleteShortLinksOptions | The options class used for generating a short link. | |
DeliveryProviderData |
The DTO object for a DeliveryProviderInfo object.
| |
DeliverySettingsData |
Base data contract object for returning an DeliverySettings through REST API.
| |
DenyRequestOptions |
The options class for providing deny request information.
| |
DescriptorBaseData |
The DTO class for DescriptorBase.
| |
DimensionSelectorData |
Class that represents root class for dimension objects selection.
| |
DisconnectTransformOptions |
The DTO class for specifying how to disconnect a transform.
| |
DiscoverColumnsOptions |
The DTO class for requesting columns be discovered on an IFlattenTransform.
| |
DiscoverSpecifiedStructuresOptions |
The class for providing options when specifying the structures for discovery on a data connector.
| |
DrillDownSetData |
The DTO for DrillDownSet.
| |
DuplicateProjectOptions |
The DTO class for specifying options when duplicating projects.
| |
DuplicateProjectResultData | Base data contract object for returning a duplicated Project through REST API. | |
ElementContainerData |
The DTO class for IElementContainer.
| |
ElementData |
The DTO for IElement.
| |
ElementParameterLinkData |
A binding link is between a view parameter and a parameter on an analysis element on a metric set binding on an adapter.
| |
ElementSelectorData |
Class that encapsulates selection information for a CubePerspectiveData element and its children.
| |
ElementStatisticsData |
The data contract class that represents a ElementStatistics class.
| |
EmailOptions |
The DTO class for specifying options when using the email API.
| |
EmptyRecycleBinOptions |
The DTO for providing options for emptying files and folders in the recycle bin.
| |
EnsureVisibleFailureDetailData |
A key/value pair element corresponding to a KeyValuePairTKey, TValue.
| |
EnsureVisibleOptions |
The DTO object for providing options for the EnsureVisible call.
| |
EnsureVisibleResultData |
The DTO object for EnsureVisibleResult.
| |
EntityBaseData |
Base class for entity base for EntityBase.
| |
EntityCopyOptionsData |
The DTO class for specifying entity copy options.
| |
EntryTagData |
The DTO object for EntryTag.
| |
ExportConfigData |
Base data contract object for returning an ExportConfig through REST API.
| |
ExportConfigInfoData |
Base data contract object for returning an ExportConfigInfo through REST API.
| |
ExportOptions |
The options class for handling exports.
| |
ExportProviderData |
The DTO object for a ExportProviderInfo object.
| |
ExportProviderRequestData |
Base data contract object for returning an ExportProviderRequest through REST API.
| |
ExportRequestOptions |
The data contract object for requesting a ExportRequest class.
| |
ExportResultInfoData |
The data contract object for a ExportResultInfo class.
| |
ExportResultInfoOrderByData |
The data contract class for a order by entry for QueryExportResultInfoOptions.
| |
ExportResultInfoQueryFilterRuleData |
The data transfer object for ExportResultInfoQueryFilterRule.
| |
ExpressionDescriptorData |
Base class for parameterized expressions.
| |
ExpressionPlaceholderData |
Class that encapsulates a user parameter placeholder defined within an ExpressionDescriptorData statement.
| |
ExtensionManifestData |
Base data contract object for returning a ExtensionManifest object through REST.
| |
FederatedAuthenticationProviderData |
Base data contract object for returning an FederatedAuthenticationProvider through REST API.
| |
FileData | ||
FileEntryOptions |
The DTO class for specifying options when getting a file system entry.
| |
FileSystemEntryOrderByData |
The data contract class for a order by entry for QueryFileSystemEntriesOptions.
| |
FileSystemEntryTransferItemData |
Represents an FileSystemEntryTransferItem item.
| |
FileSystemQueryFilterRuleData |
The data transfer object for FileSystemQueryFilterRule.
| |
FlattenMappingData |
The JSON DTO class for FlattenMapping.
| |
FlattenMappingsInfoData |
The JSON DTO class for FlattenMappingsInfo.
| |
FormatInfoBaseData |
The base data contract for FormatInfoBase.
| |
FormatOptionsData |
The options class used for formatting values.
| |
FunctionData |
Data contract for FunctionDefinition.
| |
FunctionNodeData |
The data contract for FunctionNodeData.
| |
GatewayManifestEntryData |
The DTO object for a GatewayManifestEntry object.
| |
GenerateCodeLibraryOptions |
The options class used for generating a code library.
| |
GenerateCubePerspectiveOptions |
The DTO class for specifying how to generate a cube perspective.
| |
GenerateDataConnectorOptions |
The class for providing options when generating a data connector.
| |
GenerateDataCubeOptions |
The DTO class for specifying how to generate a data cube.
| |
GenerateHierarchyOptions |
The options class used for generating a hierarchy.
| |
GenerateMetricSetOptions |
The DTO class for specifying how to generate a metric set.
| |
GetAccountInfosOptions |
The options class used for getting multiple accounts.
| |
GetAccountsAsCsvOptions |
The options class used for getting accounts as CSV.
| |
GetAccountsOptions |
The options class used for getting multiple accounts.
| |
GetByIdsOptions |
The options class used to get multiple views by ID.
| |
GetCustomAttributesOptions |
The options class used for getting multiple custom attributes.
| |
GetCustomValuesOptions |
The data contract class used to provide options for getting custom values.
| |
GetDatabasesOptions |
The data contract class used to provide options for getting databases.
| |
GetDataCubeInfosOptions |
The DTO class for retrieving multiple data cube infos.
| |
GetFileSystemEntriesOptions |
The options class used for getting multiple file system entries.
| |
GetGroupInfosOptions |
The options for getting limited information about multiple groups.
| |
GetGroupsOptions |
The options for getting multiple groups.
| |
GetHierarchyMemberOptions |
The options class used for getting a hierarchy member.
| |
GetHierarchyMembersOptions |
The options class used for getting hierarchy members.
| |
GetHierarchyMembersOptionsBase |
The base options class used for getting hierarchy members.
| |
GetHomeItemCountOptions |
The DTO class for specifying options when getting the project representation.
| |
GetJobsOptions |
The options class used for getting multiple jobs.
| |
GetLogEntriesOptions |
The options class used for getting information about multiple log entries.
| |
GetLogOnTokenResultData |
Describes the result of an attempt to create a logon token, represents GetLogOnTokenResult.
| |
GetMapBindingsOptions |
The options class used for getting map binding recommendations.
| |
GetMapsOptions |
The options class used for getting multiple maps or diagrams.
| |
GetParameterTokensOptions |
The options class used for parameter tokens.
| |
GetParameterValueFromStringOptions |
The DTO class for specifying options when getting a parameter value a query string value.
| |
GetParameterValueOptions |
The DTO class for specifying options when getting a parameter value a query string value.
| |
GetParameterValueTextOptions |
The DTO class for specifying options when getting a parameter value a query string value.
| |
GetProjectItemsOptions |
The DTO class for specifying options when getting the project items.
| |
GetProjectRepresentationOptions |
The DTO class for specifying options when getting the project representation.
| |
GetQueuedExportsOptions |
The options class used for getting the queued exports.
| |
GetServersOptions |
The data contract class used to provide options for getting servers.
| |
GetSessionOptions |
The options class used for getting information about a session.
| |
GetSessionsOptions |
The options class used for getting information about multiple sessions.
| |
GetSettingDetailsOptions |
The options class used for getting setting details.
| |
GetShortLinkOptions | The options class used for generating a short link. | |
GetStringOptions |
The options class for localization GetString call.
| |
GetStringsOptions |
The options class for localization GetStrings call.
| |
GetTenantsOptions |
The options class used for getting multiple tenants.
| |
GetTokensOptions |
The options class used for getting multiple tokens.
| |
GetTransferFileInfoOptions |
The options class used for specifying the transfer file info options.
| |
GradientStopData |
Represents a DTO for GradientStop.
| |
GroupData |
Base data contract object for returning an Group through REST API.
| |
GroupInfoOrderByData |
The data contract class for a order by entry for QueryGroupInfosOptions.
| |
GroupInfoQueryFilterRuleData |
The data transfer object for GroupInfoQueryFilterRule.
| |
GroupingElementData |
Represents GroupingElement through the REST API.
| |
GroupOrderByData |
The data contract class for a order by entry for QueryGroupsOptions.
| |
GroupQueryFilterRuleData |
The data transfer object for GroupQueryFilterRule.
| |
GroupSelectorData |
Class that encapsulates selection information for a CubePerspectiveData group of sibling root elements.
| |
GroupSpecData | Represents data that uniquely identifies a Group. | |
GroupTransferItemData |
Represents an GroupTransferItem item.
| |
HealthCheckCheckResult |
Class used to track the results of a health check.
| |
HealthCheckCheckResultData |
Base data contract object for returning a HealthCheckCheckResult object through REST API.
| |
HealthCheckInfoData |
Base data contract object for returning a IHealthCheckInfo object through REST API.
| |
HealthCheckMessageData |
Base data contract object for returning a HealthCheckMessage object through REST API.
| |
HealthCheckOptions |
The options class used for the health check.
| |
HealthCheckResultData |
Base data contract object for returning a HealthCheckResult object through REST API.
| |
HealthChecksData |
Represents an IList of key value pairs.
| |
HierarchyData |
The data contract class for IHierarchy class.
| |
HierarchyEntityData |
The data contract class for UserHierarchy class.
| |
HierarchyLevelData |
The data contract class for IHierarchyLevel, ITimeHierarchyLevel and IFormattableHierarchyLevel classes.
| |
HierarchyLevelLinkData |
The data contract class for HierarchyLevelLink class.
| |
HierarchyLevelSortingData |
The data contract class for HierarchyLevelSorting class.
| |
HierarchyMemberColumnData |
The data contract class for MemberColumn class.
| |
HierarchyMemberData |
The data contract class for IHierarchyMember class.
| |
HierarchyMemberSortingData |
The data contract class for HierarchyMemberSorting class.
| |
HierarchySortingData |
The data contract class for HierarchySorting class.
| |
HierarchyStatisticsData |
The data contract class that represents a HierarchyStatistics class.
| |
HierarchyUsageSortingData |
The DTO class for HierarchyUsageSorting.
| |
IdRevisionPairData |
Base data contract object for returning an IdRevisionPair object through REST.
| |
ImportAccountsFileResultData |
The data contract class to return results from a bulk account import operation.
| |
ImportConfigData |
Base data contract object for returning an ImportConfig through REST API.
| |
ImportOptions |
The options class for handling imports.
| |
InputDescriptorData |
Data contract for InputDescriptor.
| |
InsertTransformOptions |
The DTO class for specifying how to insert a transform into a data cube.
| |
InteractionConditionData |
Base data contract object for returning an IInteractionCondition through REST API.
| |
IsSessionValid |
The options class used for getting information about if the session is valid or not.
| |
JobData |
Represents an Job item.
| |
JobOrderByData |
The data contract class for a order by entry for QueryJobsOptions.
| |
JobQueryFilterRuleData |
The data transfer object for JobQueryFilterRule.
| |
JobRunData |
Represents an JobRun item.
| |
JobRunEventData |
Represents an JobRunEvent item.
| |
JobRunEventOrderByData |
The data contract class for an order by entry for QueryJobRunEventOptions.
| |
JobRunEventQueryFilterRuleData |
The data transfer object for JobRunEventQueryFilterRule.
| |
JobRunOrderByData |
The data contract class for a order by entry for QueryJobRunsOptions.
| |
JobRunQueryFilterRuleData |
The data transfer object for JobRunQueryFilterRule.
| |
KeepAliveSessionOptions |
The options class used to keep a session alive.
| |
LicenseData |
Base data contract object for returning a License through REST API.
| |
LicenseSeatUsageData |
Base data contract object for returning an LicenseSeatUsage.
| |
LicenseSeatUsageDetailData |
Base data contract object for returning an LicenseSeatUsageDetail.
| |
ListStructuresOptions |
The class for providing options when listing the structures for a data connector.
| |
LocalizationData |
Represents the object to return for localization data.
| |
LocalizationInfoData |
Base data contract object for returning an LocalizationInfo through REST API.
| |
LocalizationStringData |
Represents a single key/value pair for a localization string.
| |
LogChannelInfoData |
Represents a dundas.logging.LogChannelInfo class.
| |
LogEntryData |
Base data contract object for returning an LogEntry through REST API.
| |
LogEntryOptions |
The options class used for creating a log entry.
| |
LogEntryOrderByData |
The data contract class for a order by entry for QueryLogEntriesOptions.
| |
LogEntryQueryFilterRuleData |
The data transfer object for LogEntryQueryFilterRule.
| |
LogOnAccountPropertiesData |
The data model class corresponding to LogOnAccountProperties.
| |
LogOnCredentialData |
Class used for log on credential transfer to LogOnCredential.
| |
LogOnHistoryOrderByData |
The data contract class for a order by entry for QueryLogOnHistoryOptions.
| |
LogOnHistoryQueryFilterRuleData |
The data transfer object for LogOnHistoryQueryFilterRule.
| |
LogOnHistoryRecordData |
Base data contract object for returning an LogOnHistoryRecord through REST API.
| |
LogOnOptions |
The options class used for logging on.
| |
LogOnResultData |
The data transfer object for returning a log on response, represents a LogOnResult.
| |
LogOnTokenOptions |
The options class used for getting a log on token.
| |
MapCenterPositionData |
The DTO object for a MapCenterPosition.
| |
MapDataInfoSvgData |
The DTO object for a MapDataInfoSvg.
| |
MeasureData |
The data contract for IMeasure class to represent a measure.
| |
MeasureExpressionData |
The data contract for MeasureExpression.
| |
MeasureFormatInfoData |
The data contract for MeasureFormatInfoData.
| |
MeasureFormattingInfoBaseData |
The base data contract for MeasureFormattingInfoBaseData.
| |
MeasureSortingByHierarchyLevelData |
The DTO class for MeasureSortingByHierarchyLevel.
| |
MeasureSortingData |
The DTO class for MeasureSorting.
| |
MeasureStatisticsData |
The data contract class that represents a MeasureStatistics class.
| |
MeasureUsageFormatInfoData |
The data contract for MeasureUsageFormatInfo.
| |
MemberInfoData |
The DTO class for MemberInfo.
| |
MemberOfData |
Base data contract object for returning a MemberOfData through REST API.
| |
MemberOfOptions |
The options for getting the member of information.
| |
MemberQueryFilterRuleData |
The data transfer object for MemberQueryFilterRule.
| |
MemberValueData |
The DTO for MemberValue.
| |
MetricSetBindingData |
Represents a binding.
| |
MetricSetBindingOverrideData |
Represents a metric set binding override.
| |
MetricSetData |
The DTO object for a MetricSet.
| |
MetricSetUsageData |
The data contract for the options for MetricSetUsage.
| |
MigrateFromDataDiscoveryOptions | The options class used for migrating account services objects (tenants, groups, and users) from Data Discovery. | |
MigrateToDataDiscoveryOptions | The options class used for migrating account services objects (tenants, groups, and users) from Data Discovery. | |
MissingDataRuleData |
The DTO class for MissingDataRule structure.
| |
ModelDataExtensions |
Extension methods that can be used to create an object and map (copy) properties of existing
object over the new one.
| |
ModelMappingTSource, TTarget |
Maps properties between two object of different types - model and data transfer object.
| |
ModifyContextualMeasureValueOptions |
The data contract class used to provide options for modifying a contextual measure value.
| |
ModifyGroupOptions |
The options for modifying group membership.
| |
ModifyMeasureCorrectionValueOptions |
The data contract class used to provide options for modifying a measure correction value.
| |
MoveElementBeforeOptions |
The options class used to move an element before another element.
| |
MoveEntryOptions | Options for moving a file system entry. | |
NamespaceData |
Represents an IDictionary string,string namespace class for JavaScript.
| |
NativeStructureData |
The DTO object for a NativeStructure.
| |
NaturalLanguageQueryData |
Provides the data for a natural language query.
| |
NaturalLanguageResponseData |
The DTO object for a NaturalLanguageResponse.
| |
NotificationContentData |
Base data contract object for returning an NotificationContent through REST API.
| |
NotificationData |
Base data contract object for returning an Notification through REST API.
| |
NotificationInfoData |
Data contract object for returning a NotificationInfo through REST API.
| |
NotificationOrderByData |
The data contract class for a order by entry for QueryNotificationOptions.
| |
NotificationQueryFilterRuleData |
The data transfer object for NotificationQueryFilterRule.
| |
NotificationTransferItemData |
Represents an NotificationTransferItem.
| |
NumericHierarchyStatisticsData |
The data contract class that represents a NumericHierarchyStatistics class.
| |
OperationResultData |
Base data contract object for returning an OperationResult through REST API.
| |
OtherGroupBoundaryData |
The DTO object for a OtherGroupBoundary.
| |
OtherGroupSettingsData |
The DTO object for a OtherGroupSettings.
| |
PaperSettingsData |
Represents a template for returning a PaperSettings through the REST API.
| |
ParameterData |
The DTO of Parameter. This is one massive class for the same reason ParameterValueData is.
This class represents all parameter types, like MeasureParameter and HierarchyParameter and ElementDataParameter.
| |
ParameterMappingData |
Represents a ParameterMapping.
| |
ParameterMappingItemData |
Represents a ParameterMappingItem.
| |
ParameterOptions |
The DTO class for requesting a parameter on a data cube.
| |
ParameterPlaceholderOptions |
The DTO class for expression parameter placeholder creation.
| |
ParameterTokenData |
The data transfer object for a parameter token coming from JSON, represents a ParameterToken.
| |
ParameterValueData |
The data transfer object for a ParameterValue coming from JSON.
This is one massive class because JSON->server means it's impossible to detect derived types, unlike WCF.
This way JSON.NET can always de-serialize anything coming in onto this data contract.
| |
ParseResultData |
Data contract for ParseResult.
| |
PathInfoSvgData |
The DTO object for a PathInfoSvg.
| |
PlaceholderNodeData |
Data contract for PlaceholderNode.
| |
PollingConditionData |
Base data contract object for returning an PollingCondition through REST API.
| |
PreviewTransformOptions |
The DTO class for previewing data from a transform on a DataCube.
| |
PreviewTransformStatisticsOptions |
The DTO class for previewing statistics from a transform on a DataCube.
| |
PrivilegeAssignmentData |
The DTO object for PrivilegeAssignment.
| |
PrivilegeData |
The DTO object for Privilege.
| |
ProcessExpressionData |
The JSON DTO class for ConnectorElementExpression.
| |
ProcessParameterData |
Class that encapsulates a parameter defined within a ProcessParameterData to alter the data retrieval functionality for that entity.
| |
ProcessPasswordResetRequestOptions |
The options class used for processing password reset requests.
| |
ProjectData |
The DTO for Project class.
| |
PromoteTransientOptions |
The DTO class for specifying options when promoting a transient file.
| |
ProviderExpressionData |
Class that represents an expression query to be executed by a DataProvider.
| |
ProviderPropertyOverrideData |
Represents an IDictionary Guid,ParameterValueCollection class for JavaScript.
| |
PublishItemResultData |
The DTO object for PublishItemResult.
| |
PublishProjectItemsOptions |
The DTO class for specifying options when publishing project items.
| |
PublishProjectsOptions |
The DTO class for specifying options when publishing projects.
| |
PublishResultData |
The DTO object for PublishResult.
| |
QueryAccountInfosOptions |
The options class used for querying account information.
| |
QueryAccountsOptions |
The options class used for querying accounts.
| |
QueryContextData |
The DTO object for a QueryContext.
| |
QueryContextualMeasureValueOptions |
The data contract class used to provide options for querying contextual measure values.
| |
QueryDataCubeInfosOptions |
The DTO class for querying data cube infos.
| |
QueryExportResultInfoOptions |
The options class used for querying exports.
| |
QueryFileSystemEntriesOptions |
The options class used for querying file system entries.
| |
QueryFilterRuleData |
Base class for query filter rule data transfer objects for QueryFilterRuleTFieldsEnum.
| |
QueryGroupInfosOptions |
The options class used for querying for limited group information.
| |
QueryGroupsOptions |
The options class used for querying groups.
| |
QueryHierarchyMembersOptions |
The options class used for querying the hierarchy members.
| |
QueryJobRunEventOptions |
The options class used for querying job run events.
| |
QueryJobRunsOptions |
The options class used for querying jobs.
| |
QueryJobsOptions |
The options class used for querying jobs.
| |
QueryLogEntriesOptions |
The options class used for querying sessions.
| |
QueryLogOnHistoryOptions |
The options class used for querying log on history.
| |
QueryMeasureCorrectionValueOptions |
The data contract class used to provide options for querying measure correction values.
| |
QueryNotificationOptions |
The options class used for querying notifications.
| |
QueryResponseData |
The DTO object for a QueryResponse.
| |
QueryRevisionsOptions |
The options class used for querying revisions on file system entries.
| |
QuerySessionsOptions |
The options class used for querying sessions.
| |
QueryTenantsOptions |
The options class used for querying tenants.
| |
QueryTokenOptions |
The options class used for querying tokens.
| |
QuotaUsageDetailData |
Base data contract object for returning an QuotaUsageDetail through REST API.
| |
RaggedHierarchyEntityData |
The data contract class for RaggedHierarchy class.
| |
RangeFormatInfoData |
The data contract for RangeFormatInfo.
| |
RecipientData |
Base data contract object for returning an Recipient through REST API.
| |
RecipientViewOverrideData |
Represents a recipient's content override.
| |
RecommendedMapBindings |
The class used for recommending bindings for the Map or Diagram.
| |
RelationalColumnData |
The DTO class for RelationalColumn.
| |
RelationalStructureData |
The class for providing information for a derived relational structure data.
This is basically a DTO for RelationalStructure class, although we don't ship this out when they get the native structure; only when they specifically ask for it.
| |
RelationshipData |
REST DTO for Relationship class.
| |
RelationshipKeyData |
REST DTO for RelationshipKey class.
| |
RenameServerGroupOptions |
The options class used for renaming a server group.
| |
RepeaterGroupData |
Represents a repeater group for returning a RepeaterGroup through the REST API.
| |
RepeaterModelData |
Represents a repeating view for returning a RepeaterModel through the REST API.
| |
ReplaceAnalysisStructureOptions |
The DTO class for specifying options to replace a select transform structure.
| |
ReplaceDataConnectorOptions |
The DTO class for specifying options to replace a select transform data connector.
| |
ReplaceElementNamesOptions |
The DTO class for specifying options to replace element names.
| |
ReplaceElementOptions |
The options class used to replace an element on the metric set.
| |
ReplaceHierarchyLevelOptions |
The options class used for replacing a hierarchy level.
| |
ReplaceStructureOptions |
The DTO class for specifying options to replace a select transform structure.
| |
RequestHierarchyOverridesData |
The data contract class to represent a ClientHierarchyOverrides class.
| |
RequestMeasureOverridesData |
The data contract class to represent a ClientMeasureOverrides class.
| |
RequestOptionsData |
The data contract class to represent a RequestOptions class.
| |
RequestOverridesData |
The data contract class for ClientOverrides class.
| |
ResolveParameterValueOptions |
The DTO object for specifying options for resolving a parameter value with tokens into discrete values.
| |
ResolveTokenByIdsOptions |
The options class used to resolve a token.
| |
ResolveTokenOptions |
The options class used to resolve a token.
| |
RestoreFailureDetailData |
A key/value pair element corresponding to a KeyValuePairTKey, TValue.
| |
RestoreRecycleBinOptions |
The DTO for providing options for restoring files and folders in the recycle bin.
| |
RestoreResultData |
The DTO object for RestoreResult.
| |
ResultPagingData |
The data contract class for ResultPaging class.
| |
ResultShapingData |
The data contract object for ResultShaping class.
| |
RevisionInfoData |
The DTO object for RevisionInfo.
| |
RevisionOrderByData |
The data contract class for a order by entry for QueryRevisionsOptions.
| |
RevisionQueryFilterRuleData |
The data transfer object for RevisionQueryFilterRule.
| |
RunJobsOptions |
The options class used for running a job.
| |
SaveAnalysisElementOptions |
The DTO class for promoting a data cube implicit hierarchy.
| |
SaveNotificationOptions |
The JSON DTO class for Notification.
| |
ScheduleData |
Base data contract object for returning an Schedule through REST API.
| |
ScheduleDataCubesOptions |
The DTO class for updating multiple data cubes into a single schedule.
| |
ScheduleOptions |
The DTO class for specifying how to get a schedule associated to a data cube.
| |
ScheduleRuleData |
Base data contract object for returning an ScheduleRule through REST API.
| |
ScheduleTenantCubeOverrideOptions |
The DTO class for adding a tenant data cube schedule override.
| |
ScriptExceptionData |
Data contract for Script Exception.
| |
SeatCountData |
Base data contract object for returning an SeatCount.
| |
SelectTransformExpressionData |
The JSON DTO class for ProviderElementExpression.
| |
SeparatorLineData |
Represents a template for returning a SeparatorLine through the REST API.
| |
ServerGroupData |
Base data contract object for returning data of server group through REST API.
| |
ServerInfoData |
Base data contract object for returning an ServerInfo through REST API.
| |
SessionData |
Base data contract object for returning an Session through REST API.
| |
SessionOrderByData |
The data contract class for a order by entry for QuerySessionsOptions.
| |
SessionQueryFilterRuleData |
The data transfer object for SessionQueryFilterRule.
| |
SessionTokenOptions | The options class used for getting a session token. | |
SetHierarchySecurityOptions |
The DTO class for specifying options when updating OLAP cube security hierarchy setting.
| |
SetPrivilegesOptions |
The data contract class for specifying how to set privileges on a file system entry.
| |
SetServerGroupOptions |
The options class used for setting server group to a server.
| |
SetSessionCultureOptions |
The options class used for setting a sessions culture.
| |
SetSessionCustomAttributesOptions |
The options class used for setting the custom attributes on the session.
| |
SetSessionIPAddressOptions |
The options class used for setting the IP address on the session.
| |
ShapeInfoSvgData |
The DTO object for a ShapeInfoSvg.
| |
ShareLinkOptions |
Data contract object for requesting a link share through REST API.
| |
SlideshowData |
Base data contract class for returning a Slideshow through the REST API.
| |
StateConditionData |
The DTO class for StateCondition, and also derived types, such as HierarchyCondition and MeasureCondition.
| |
StateData |
The DTO class for State.
| |
StateGroupData |
The DTO class for StateGroup.
| |
StaticResourceInfoData |
Base data contract object for returning an StaticResourceInfo through REST API.
| |
StatisticsResultData |
Represents the data contract for a StatisticsResult class.
| |
StorageInfoData |
The DTO class for DataCube storage information.
| |
StorageOptions |
The DTO class for specifying what storage type to use when warehousing a data cube.
| |
StoreBuiltInResourceOptions |
Base data contract object for supplying information when updating an built-in resource.
| |
StoreLocalizationOptions |
Base data contract object for supplying information when storing a localization.
| |
StrokeData |
Represents a Stroke.
| |
StructureData |
The DTO for IStructure.
| |
StyleData |
Base data contract class for returning a Style through the REST API.
| |
SymbolInfoSvgData |
The DTO object for a SymbolInfoSvg.
| |
SyntaxTreeNodeData |
Data contract for SyntaxTreeNode.
| |
SystemPerformanceInfoData |
Base data contract object for returning an SystemPerformanceInfo through REST API.
| |
SystemStatisticsData |
Base data contract object for returning an SystemStatisticsData through REST API.
| |
TableOfContentsEntryPropertiesData |
Represents a template for returning a TableOfContentsEntryProperties through the REST API.
| |
TableOfContentsEntryStyleData |
Represents a template for returning a TableOfContentsEntryStyle through the REST API.
| |
TableOfContentsPropertiesData |
Represents a template for returning a TableOfContentsProperties through the REST API.
| |
TargetDataCellData |
Base data contract object for returning an TargetDataCell through REST API.
| |
TemplateData |
Represents a template for returning a Template through the REST API.
| |
TenantData |
Base data contract object for returning an Tenant through REST API.
| |
TenantInfoData |
Base data contract object for returning an TenantInfo through REST API.
| |
TenantOrderByData |
The data contract class for a order by entry for QueryTenantsOptions.
| |
TenantQueryFilterRuleData |
The data transfer object for TenantQueryFilterRule.
| |
TenantSeatAllocationData |
Base data contract object to represent an TenantSeatAllocation object.
| |
TenantSeatAllocationDetailData |
Base data contract object to represent an TenantSeatAllocationDetail object.
| |
TenantTransferItemData |
Represents an TenantTransferItem item.
| |
TenantWarehouseOverrideData |
The DTO class for specifying options when setting a tenant warehouse override via the Tenant Controller.
| |
TenantWarehouseOverrideRemoveData |
The DTO class for specifying options when removing a tenant warehouse override via the Tenant Controller.
| |
TestBridgeParameterScriptOptions |
The DTO class for testing a bridge parameter script.
| |
TestConnectionResultData |
The DTO object for a TestConnectionResult.
| |
TestHierarchyPromotionOptions |
The DTO class for testing the promotion of a data cube implicit hierarchy.
| |
ThemeData |
Base data contract class for returning a Theme through the REST API.
| |
TimeDimensionData |
Base data contract class for returning a TimeDimension through the REST API.
| |
TimeDimensionProviderData |
The DTO object for a TimeDimensionProviderInfo object.
| |
TimeHierarchyStatisticsData |
The data contract class that represents a TimeHierarchyStatistics class.
| |
TimeIntervalData |
The data contract class for TimeInterval class.
| |
TokenDefinitionData |
The data transfer object for a parameter token coming from JSON, represents a TokenDefinition, and derived types, such as
TimeToken and BasicToken.
| |
TokenOrderByData |
The data contract class for a order by entry for QueryTokenOptions.
| |
TokenQueryFilterRuleData |
The data transfer object for TokenQueryFilterRule.
| |
TopBottomOverridesData |
The DTO object for a ClientTopBottomOverrides.
| |
TopBottomSettingsData |
The DTO object for a TopBottomSettings.
| |
TotalsCalculationRuleData |
The DTO class for TotalsCalculationRule.
| |
TransferFileInfoData |
Represents an TransferFileInfo item.
| |
TransferItemResultData |
Represents an IDictionary Guid, TransferItemResult.
| |
TransferResultData |
Base data contract object for returning an TransferResult through REST API.
| |
TransformConnectorData |
The JSON DTO class for IFlattenTransform.
| |
TransformData |
The DTO class for Transform.
| |
TransformExpressionData |
Class that encapsulates an expression used internal by a Transform instance.
| |
TransformInfoData |
The DTO class for TransformInfo.
| |
TransformStatisticsData |
The DTO class for TransformStatistics.
| |
UndoCheckOutFailureDetailData |
A key/value pair element corresponding to a IReadOnlyDictionaryTKey, TValue.
| |
UndoCheckOutResultData |
The DTO object for UndoCheckOutResult.
| |
UndoContextData |
Represents the data contract for a UndoContext class.
| |
UndoFrameData |
Represents the data contract for a UndoFrame class.
| |
UniqueNameData |
The data contract class for IUniqueName class.
| |
UpdateCubePerspectiveOptions |
The DTO class for specifying how to updating a cube perspective.
| |
UpdateDataCubeJoinOptions |
The DTO class for specifying how to update an existing data cube join.
| |
UpdateDataElementCategoryOptions |
The DTO class for specifying options when updating a native structure's data element category.
| |
UpdateHierarchyLevelOptions |
The options class used for updating a hierarchy level.
| |
UpdateHierarchyOptions |
The options class used for updating a hierarchy.
| |
UpdateScriptMeasureOptions |
Represents the options used when adding a script measure to a MetricSet.
| |
UpdateScriptMetricSetOptions |
Represents the options used when updating a script metric set.
| |
UpdateSlicerAsSubqueryOptions |
The DTO class for specifying options when updating a native structure's slicer as subquery option.
| |
UpdateSortingOptions |
The options class used to update elements and sorting on a metric set.
| |
UpdateTenantMembershipOptions |
The options class used for updating the tenant membership of an account.
| |
UpdateUtilityHierarchyOptions |
The DTO class for specifying options when updating a native structure's utility hierarchy option.
| |
ValidatePasswordOptions |
The options class used for changing a user password.
| |
ValidValueData |
The DTO class for ValidValue and ValidElementValue.
| |
ValidValuesDescriptorData |
The DTO class for ValidValuesDescriptor, and derived classes such as ValidValuesList.
| |
ViewData |
Base data contract class for returning a View through the REST API.
| |
ViewOverridesData |
Represents a view override.
| |
ViewParameterData |
Represents a view parameter.
| |
ViewportDataData |
The DTO object for a ViewportData.
| |
WriteUserDataOptions |
The options class used for writing user data.
Enumeration | Description | |
FormatType |
Specifies the data type for a value to be formatted.
| |
LevelPopulationPolicy |
The supported population policies for hierarchy levels.
| |
ParameterPlaceholderType |
Parameter placeholder types.
| |
PlaceholderChangeType |
Identifies the type of placeholder to change to.
| |
ProjectPrivilegeOption |
Project Privilege Option.
| |
SettingPopulationPolicy |
The supported population policies for application configuration settings.