AppSettingData Class

Base data contract object for returning an AppSetting through REST API.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.WebApi.Models
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.WebApiCore (in Dundas.BI.WebApiCore.dll) Version: (
public class AppSettingData : BaseDataContract

The AppSettingData type exposes the following members.

Public methodAppSettingData
Initializes a new instance of the AppSettingData class.
Public propertyAllowedValues
Gets the list of allowed values for the setting.
Public propertyAvailableValues
Gets the list of available values for the setting.
Public propertyCategoryName
Gets the name of the category under which the setting should be displayed.
Public propertyClientSettingVisibility
Gets the recommended visibility level of the configuration setting to be used when rendering a client-side user interface.
Public propertyContentType
Gets a value which specifies a special type of content, if SettingType is String.
Public propertyDefaultValue
Gets the default value of the setting.
Public propertyDescription
Gets the description of the setting.
Public propertyDisplayName
Gets the friendly name of the setting to display in a UI.
Public propertyExampleValueText
Gets a delegate which can optionally provide some text representing an example value for the setting.
Public propertyHelpTopicReference
Gets the help topic reference for the configuration setting.
Public propertyId
Gets the unique ID of the setting.
Public propertyIsDangerousForImport
Gets a value indicating whether this setting is dangerous for import. Serves as a hint that values for the setting should not be imported without careful thought.
Public propertyIsMultiSelect
Gets a value indicating whether the setting supports multiple-value selection.
Public propertyIsOnlyGlobal
Gets a value indicating whether the setting may only be set at the global scope.
Public propertyIsPassword
Gets a value indicating whether the value of the setting should receive special treatment because it is a password. See remarks.
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Gets a value indicating whether the setting is read only.
Public propertyIsRestartRequired
Gets a value indicating whether the setting requires an application restart to take effect.
Public propertyName
Gets the name of the setting.
Public propertySettingType
Gets the data type of the setting's value.
Public propertySortKey
Gets the key used to sort the setting within its category, when displayed.
Public propertyUIClassName
Gets or sets the name of the UI class (used for auto de-serialization).
(Inherited from BaseDataContract.)
Public methodStatic memberToDataContractMappings
The mapping between AppSetting and AppSettingData.
See Also