ExportConfigData Class

Base data contract object for returning an ExportConfig through REST API.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.WebApi.Models
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.WebApiCore (in Dundas.BI.WebApiCore.dll) Version: (
public class ExportConfigData : BaseDataContract

The ExportConfigData type exposes the following members.

Public methodExportConfigData
Initializes a new instance of the ExportConfigData class.
Public propertyAccountIds
Gets a set containing the IDs of all accounts to export.
Public propertyAppSettingTransferSpecs
Gets a set containing the specifications of all app settings to export.
Public propertyBuiltInResourceIds
Gets a set containing the IDs of all built-in resources to export.
Public propertyEntityTransferVersionPolicy
Gets or sets the entity transfer version policy.
Public propertyFileSystemEntryIds
Gets a set containing the IDs of all file system entries to export.
Public propertyGroupIds
Gets a set containing the IDs of all groups to export.
Public propertyId
Gets the ID of the export configuration.
Public propertyIncludeAllAccounts
Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the accounts shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeAllAppSettings
Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the application settings shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeAllBuiltInResources
Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the built-in resources shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeAllGroups
Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the groups shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeAllNotifications
Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the notifications shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeAllStaticResources
Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the static resources shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeAllTenants
Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the tenants shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeCheckedOutEntityRevisions
Gets or sets a value indicating whether checked out entity revision shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeContextualData
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the contextual data shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeCubeData
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the cube data shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeCustomAttributes
Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the custom attributes shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeGroupMemberships
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the group membership of accounts and groups shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludePublishHistories
Gets or sets a value indicating whether publish histories associated with exported projects shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeReferencedItems
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the items which are referenced to the export items shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeResourceData
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the resource data shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeTokens
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the global tokens and the tokens associated with the exporting accounts or projects shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeUserInputEntries
Gets or sets a value indicating whether user input entries such as annotations and value corrections shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeUserProjects
Gets or sets a value indicating whether user projects shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of the export configuration.
Public propertyNotificationIds
Gets a set containing the IDs of all notifications to export.
Public propertyPublishHistoryIds
Gets a set containing the IDs (mappings between source and target project IDs) of all publish histories to export.
Public propertyStaticResourceIds
Gets a set containing the IDs of all static resources to export.
Public propertyTenantIds
Gets a set containing the IDs of all tenants to export.
Public propertyUIClassName
Gets or sets the name of the UI class (used for auto de-serialization).
(Inherited from BaseDataContract.)
Public methodStatic memberFromDataContractMappings
The mapping between ExportConfig and ExportConfigData.
Public methodStatic memberToDataContractMappings
The mapping between ExportConfigData and ExportConfig.
See Also