LogOnOptions Class

The options class used for logging on.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.WebApi.Models
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.WebApiCore (in Dundas.BI.WebApiCore.dll) Version: (
public class LogOnOptions : LogOnTokenOptions

The LogOnOptions type exposes the following members.

Public methodLogOnOptions
Initializes a new instance of the LogOnOptions class
Public propertyAccountName
Gets or sets the account name.
(Inherited from LogOnTokenOptions.)
Public propertyCredentials
Gets or sets a collection of credentials.
(Inherited from LogOnTokenOptions.)
Public propertyCulture
Gets the culture to associate with the log-on.
Public propertyCultureName
Gets or sets the name of the culture to associate with the log on.
Public propertyDeleteOtherSessions
Gets or sets a value indicating whether other sessions should be deleted if required in order to make the logon succeed.
Public propertyEffectiveAccountName
Gets or sets a LogOnCredential corresponding to AccountName in the EffectiveCredentials collection.
(Inherited from LogOnTokenOptions.)
Public propertyEffectiveCredentials
Gets or sets the credentials for the effective account to be logged on. See remarks.
(Inherited from LogOnTokenOptions.)
Public propertyEnforceSessionRestrictions
Gets or sets a value indicating whether certain session restrictions are validated during the logon sequence.
Public propertyIsWindowsLogOn
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current Windows identity should be used to authenticate.
(Inherited from LogOnTokenOptions.)
Public propertyLogOnToken
Gets or sets the log on token.
Public propertyPassword
Gets or sets the password to use when AccountName is specified.
(Inherited from LogOnTokenOptions.)
Public propertyPerformDataDiscoveryLogon
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the logon operation should also authenticate the user to the Data Discovery module.
(Inherited from LogOnTokenOptions.)
Public propertyTimeZone
Gets the time zone to associate with the log on.
Public propertyTimeZoneId
Gets or sets the ID of the time zone to associate with the log on.
Public methodStatic memberFromDataContractMappings
The mapping between LogOnOptions and LogOnParameters.
See Also