SaveAnalysisElementOptions Class

The DTO class for promoting a data cube implicit hierarchy.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.WebApi.Models
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.WebApiCore (in Dundas.BI.WebApiCore.dll) Version: (
public class SaveAnalysisElementOptions : TestHierarchyPromotionOptions

The SaveAnalysisElementOptions type exposes the following members.

Public methodSaveAnalysisElementOptions
Initializes a new instance of the SaveAnalysisElementOptions class
Public propertyAdditionalKeyMappings
Gets a collection of hierarchy level unique name and key element names with corresponding connector element GUID.
Public propertyConnectorElementId
Gets or sets the connector element ID associated with the saving analysis element.
(Inherited from TestHierarchyPromotionOptions.)
Public propertyDataCubeId
Gets or sets the file ID of the data cube.
(Inherited from TestHierarchyPromotionOptions.)
Public propertyHierarchy
Gets or sets the hierarchy to save.
Public propertyIsImplicit
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the save will promote the connector element to use explicit hierarchy.
Public propertyIsSelected
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the connector element is selected.
Public propertyKeyMappings
Gets a collection of hierarchy key element names and corresponding connector element GUID.
(Inherited from TestHierarchyPromotionOptions.)
Public propertyMeasure
Gets or sets the measure to save.
Public propertyPromotionHierarchyId
Gets or sets the hierarchy ID at which connector element will be promoted to using.
(Inherited from TestHierarchyPromotionOptions.)
Public propertyPromotionHierarchyLevelCompatibleUniqueName
Gets or sets the analysis element compatible unique name for implicit hierarchy promotion.
(Inherited from TestHierarchyPromotionOptions.)
Public propertyPromotionHierarchyLevelUniqueName
Gets or sets the analysis unique name for implicit hierarchy promotion.
(Inherited from TestHierarchyPromotionOptions.)
Public propertyPromotionHierarchyUniqueName
Gets or sets the hierarchy unique name at which connector element will be promoted to using.
(Inherited from TestHierarchyPromotionOptions.)
Public propertyUniqueName
Gets or sets the unique name of the analysis element.
See Also