SystemStatisticsData Class

Base data contract object for returning an SystemStatisticsData through REST API.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.WebApi.Models
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.WebApiCore (in Dundas.BI.WebApiCore.dll) Version: (
public class SystemStatisticsData : BaseDataContract

The SystemStatisticsData type exposes the following members.

Public methodSystemStatisticsData
Initializes a new instance of the SystemStatisticsData class.
Public propertyApplicationCriticalExpiringLicenses
Gets or sets the number of expiring licenses within 7 days.
Public propertyApplicationDatabaseConnectionString
Gets or sets the applications database connection string.
Public propertyApplicationExpiringLicenses
Gets or sets the number of expiring licenses within 60 days.
Public propertyApplicationHasLicenses
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the application has any installed licenses.
Public propertyApplicationInvalidLicenses
Gets or sets the number of invalid licenses.
Public propertyApplicationLicensedTo
Gets or sets the application licensed to.
Public propertyApplicationLicenseKind
Gets or sets the application license kind.
Public propertyApplicationNextExpiringLicense
Gets or sets the expiry date of the next expiring license.
Public propertyApplicationPoolIdentity
Gets or sets the application pool identity.
Public propertyApplicationProcessId
Gets or sets the process ID of the application.
Public propertyApplicationSchedulerStatusLastSeenTime
Gets or sets the applications scheduler status last seen time.
Public propertyApplicationUpdateFound
Gets or sets a value indicating whether an update was found.
Public propertyApplicationVersion
Gets or sets the application version.
Public propertyCurrentServerFingerprint
Gets or sets the current servers unique identifier.
Public propertyCurrentServerGroupName
Gets or sets the current servers server group name.
Public propertyCurrentServerName
Gets or sets the current server name.
Public propertyLatestVersion
Gets or sets the application version that can be updated to.
Public propertyLatestVersionDownloadUri
Gets or sets the update link for the latest version.
Public propertyNumberOfAccounts
Gets or sets the number of accounts.
Public propertyNumberOfActiveServers
Gets or sets the number of active servers seen in the last 5 minutes.
Public propertyNumberOfActiveSessions
Gets or sets the number of active sessions.
Public propertyNumberOfCriticalLogs
Gets or sets the number of critical logs logged in the last 24 hours.
Public propertyNumberOfFailedJobRuns
Gets or sets the number of failed job runs in the past 24 hours.
Public propertyNumberOfLogOns
Gets or sets the number of logons in the past 24 hours.
Public propertyNumberOfRunningJobs
Gets or sets the number of running jobs.
Public propertyNumberOfServerGroups
Gets or sets the number of server groups.
Public propertyNumberOfTenants
Gets or sets the number of tenants.
Public propertyUIClassName
Gets or sets the name of the UI class (used for auto de-serialization).
(Inherited from BaseDataContract.)
Public propertyWarehouseDatabaseConnectionString
Gets or sets the applications warehouse database connection string.
See Also