List of changes in version 11.0
This article provides a list of the issues fixed and new functionality added in Dundas BI.
Fixed issues
Ticket | Details |
93733 | Fixed an issue when using a time dimension with a fiscal calendar that could cause the set start hour not to take effect correctly. |
93736 | Fixed an issue that could display an unexpected error when exporting to Excel using script that doesn't specify a viewUrl. |
93765 | Fixed an error that could occur when navigating a view container multiple times between certain dashboards. |
93766 | Fixed an issue that could prevent tenant overrides from consistently taking effect correctly for data connectors for OLAP databases. |
93868 | Addressed values missing for formula measures when calculating an 'other' group. |
Behavior changes
Ticket | Details |
93582 | The gateway feature no longer needs to be enabled in your license to use a gateway in data connectors. |
Fixed issues
Ticket | Details |
93450 | Fixed an issue that could cause state indicators, data bars, and bullet graphs not to appear at the bottom of a table visualization after scrolling up a certain amount and back down. |
93458 | Fixed an issue preventing tenant overrides from taking effect for data connectors for OLAP databases. |
93537 | Fixed an issue that could cause map elements to appear unstyled and all black temporarily during data updates. |
93555 | Fixed a 500 error code incorrectly returned by a call to the WebAppService.logOff JavaScript API method. Note that you can also call ViewService.navigateToPage(dundas.Pages.LOGON_LOGOFF) as an alternative. |
93564 | Fixed an error that could prevent exporting a table visualization to Excel including styling if cell text that included an unknown member caption had been customized. |
93587 | Fixed incorrect times that could be displayed for time dimensions using a fiscal calendar with a start hour changed from midnight. |
93590 | Fixed an error that could occur incorrectly when calling ExportHelper.exportCSV in JavaScript without specifying the skipHeaders and delimiter options. |
93638 | Fixed an issue that could prevent data from exporting correctly from a table visualization to Excel when certain measures or hierarchies were set to be excluded from the export. |
93654 | Fixed an error resulting from performing arithmetic with Int16 type columns in a calculated element in a data cube. |
93667 | Fixed errors that could result for multiple connections to an OLAP database with data connector overrides set up for tenants. |
93683 | Addressed an issue causing loading indicators to stop appearing for long-running data updates for interactions that set multiple view parameters. |
93694 | Fixed an issue that could cause time dimension values affected by tenant overrides to display incorrectly when their format is customized in a visualization's properties. |
93696 | Fixed an issue that could cause map elements to appear unstyled and all black until updated for mouse movement when multiple view parameter updates are made from interactions or filters. |
93708 | Addressed an issue causing changes made downstream from a calculated element to be lost when adding another calculated element. |
Behavior changes
Ticket | Details |
93290 | For custom time provider extensions, the TimeDimensionProvider abstract class now has a new AddInterval abstract method signature to implement: public abstract DateTime AddInterval(ITimeHierarchyMember timeHierarchyMember, int intervalId, int offset); |
New functionality
Ticket | Details |
93367 | JDBC data connectors now have the advanced setting Include Catalog In Object Name available, for JDBC drivers such as Trino that may expect the catalog to be specified in connections. |
93368 | A Date Trim Expression can now be returned using DundasScript in JDBC data connectors in order for dates to be trimmed by the original data source when needed, such as when using a time dimension. The returned expression should be valid for the JDBC driver in use and trim according to the passed object dateGranularity (type DateTimeGranularity), for a column with the specified dataTypeName, including the placeholder {0} for the column expression to be inserted. |
Fixed issues
Ticket | Details |
81510 | Fixed some scenarios where accessing data from flat files such as CSV or DBF files via a UNC path when using specified credentials may unexpectedly result in an error. |
90963 | Fixed an issue that could occur when applying certain filtering to OLAP data sources resulting in an error such as An expression was expected for the function argument and no expression was detected. |
93177 | Addressed issues where notifications with data driven conditions may be sent unexpectedly when the specified criteria are not met or when there is no matching data. |
93230 | Addressed cases where filtering by one formula measure could be applied before another formula measure's values were calculated. |
93281 | Fixed an issue that could cause data to unexpectedly be filtered by a relative time token differently for tenant users affected by time dimension overrides. |
93283 | Performance has been improved for operations involving ragged hierarchies. |
93290 | Fixed an issue that could cause data for the wrong month to be displayed for a period over period comparison measure for time dimensions set to use certain reporting calendar configurations. |
93295 | Addressed an issue that could cause slicer comparison measures to display data unfiltered by the custom attribute for a security hierarchy. |
93312 | Fixed an issue that could prevent users from changing their password if they have a Default View set. |
93344 | Fixed an unexpected error that could occur when setting up an Other Group in a metric set displaying data when sorting is not performed by the data provider. |
93428 | Fixed a 400 error that could prevent administrators from approving requests from users that registered for an account. |
93437 | Addressed an expected error that could occur when aligning or sharing scales with a hidden curved line, area, or range chart set using relative positioning. |
93458 | Fixed an issue that may have prevented a data connector override for a tenant from successfully changing the catalog for an OLAP database. |
Behavior changes
Ticket | Details |
81276 | In the .NET API, the return type of ICustomAttributeService.GetCustomAttributeReferences has changed. |
82336 | Installation of Python is now optional if you are not using the metric set Assistant or Python transforms. |
88342 | In the .NET API, CreateEngineOptions.HostIdentifier is now obsolete: use CreateEngineOptions.HostOptions.HostIdentifier instead when starting the engine. |
91953 | The version of jQuery included with and used by Dundas BI has been updated to 3.6.0. If your own JavaScript may have been relying on methods from before jQuery 3.0.0 that were removed or changed, see the jQuery upgrade guides. |
92263 | The Percentile formula function now always uses the direct computation method option, which ensures the specified percentage of values always fall below the returned value. |
92324 | Email addresses are now validated when entered before saving them for accounts or configuration settings. It is possible that some addresses will no longer be accepted that were previously. |
92757 | Support for the SAML 2.0 protocol is now always installed with Dundas BI by default like other federated authentication protocols and does not require any additional steps or installations. |
92938 | Session IDs that you pass in a REST API request authorization header now take precedence over a session ID persisted via a cookie. |
N/A | Internet Explorer is no longer a supported web browser. For more details, see the release notes for version 10 or the product notes. |
New functionality
Ticket | Details |
42875 | Ability for an administrator to impersonate a user. |
47469 | Reports can now be exported to PowerPoint and Image with a slide/image for each page. |
50125 | New Slide Size option when exporting views to PowerPoint (does not apply to a report's pages). |
50152 | Notification emails can now include a direct link back to the view that is seen in the attached file, available from the right-click menu for the message body. |
52883 | New option in the file security dialog to replace any explicitly set privileges on contained files and folders so that they inherit instead. |
58898 | Usability improvements for the Schedule Rule dialog when setting recurrence start/end time. |
68775 | You will now be notified in the Email Recipient dialog when a selected account has no e-mail address set. |
70372 87139 |
Developer users can now add or upload JavaScript as Code Library files to projects and add them to dashboards and other views to refer to in scripts. |
70969 | On the Jobs page in Administration, you can now search by job description (e.g., data cube name). |
71142 | You can now right-click a folder to publish its contents like for projects and individual files. |
76884 | Next Run Date column added to the Jobs page in Administration. |
79149 | You can now remove the schedule in addition to disabling it when editing storage options for a data cube that is checked in. |
79163 | Line charts with multiple series with dates that do not match can now display as connected by default when based on a single metric set and using the Connect Gaps property options. |
79721 | New configuration setting Disable Click To Check Out in Administration that prevents automatic check out when clicking within a file editor that is grayed out. |
80474 | Images shown in a table visualization column can now be included when exporting to Excel using the new option Add Data Images To File. |
81276 | The GetCustomAttributeReferences API method in .NET, REST, and JS can now return sessions that are using the specified custom attribute in addition to accounts and files. |
81490 | The list and diagram of relationships between data structures such as tables have increased in size in the Relationships dialog available from the right-click menu. |
81544 | A search field has been added to the Open dialog used to select a cube when assigning a custom attribute value. |
81598 | Administrators can now access an account's recycle bin and recover files. |
81703 | When exporting through custom script or code, the isExport parameter is now set in the URL automatically if not already set. |
82045 | The default recovery options for the Dundas BI scheduler service on Windows have been improved in case of a failure. |
83363 | The deployment wizard on Linux will now display the location of the instance's files on the Review Details step before it is added. |
84175 | The user name is now included in the error message shown when they have insufficient privileges for a file. |
85371 | Compatible versions of Linux are now displayed directly when installation/deployment cannot proceed on an unsupported version. |
85947 92049 |
A Single Schema option has been added to the Amazon Redshift and Oracle data providers to avoid prepending the initially discovered schema name into queries and allow tenant data connector overrides to access different databases for each tenant with the same data structures. |
86606 | Select transforms now have a Select Structure parameter type available for switching between different tables with the same column structure. |
87397 | The dundas-bi-setup Docker image can now be used to add the usage tracking and performance samples to an instance. |
87407 | Previous reverse proxy configurations will now be detected and updated automatically when re-adding the federated authentication module to an instance. |
87726 | The number of tiles shown in the Tile Navigation component and in Recently Viewed in the main menu's Open dialog can now be configured by administrators with the setting Most Recently Used Entries List Maximum Size. |
87734 | Added support for an optional low-latency RabbitMQ service for communicating updates more quickly between farm/cluster instances. Available for Kubernetes by enabling it in the Helm chart; or, set the Custom Broadcast Provider configuration setting and then the RabbitMQ Connection String (e.g., HostName=;VirtualHost=;Exchange=;UserName=;Port=;) and Password for an existing dedicated fanout exchange and dedicated exchange user. |
88076 | Sidecar and init containers can now be added to Kubernetes deployments through Helm chart configuration. |
88342 | Extensions can now specify their purpose in their manifest file within the element <setting name="ExtensionPurposes">, and the Dundas BI engine can specify which types of extensions to load in different scenarios using the CreateEngineOptions.HostOptions.ExtensionPurposes property. |
88356 | Dundas BI is now a progressive web app (PWA) that can be installed on devices and launched more like native apps. |
88990 | Job run details for data cube sequence jobs now display separate messages identifying each data cube as it's built. |
89545 | Security hierarchy settings configured in the elements of a data cube's Process Result are now maintained when its input transform disconnected and reconnected. |
90438 | The version of Chromium Embedded Framework used when exporting content to images and PDF has been updated to version 100. |
90441 | You can now specify pod disruption budgets in the Helm chart configuration for Kubernetes deployments. |
90685 | A search field has been added to the Data Cubes dialog accessed from your profile and the Data Cubes page in Administration. |
90765 | Set the caption for a federated authentication provider to "-" if a button should not be provided on the logon screen, for example because of automated integration. |
90785 | The delimiter character used in CSV file exports of data can now be changed. |
90998 | Warnings and performance statistics are now displayed for all metric sets used in a single visualization when there are multiple. |
91183 | Quickly expand all values in an upper hierarchy level by choosing Expand To Next Level from the right-click Change Level menu. |
91190 | The deployment wizard on Linux will now display the current Dundas BI version of each instance in the list of options when upgrading an instance. |
91216 | All data is skipped when exporting data from a chart to Excel with styling preserved if all series are currently hidden. |
91374 | Some available settings for PostgreSQL databases have been removed corresponding with updates to the Npgsql library used for this data provider in data connectors. |
91518 | You are now prevented from entering the same port number for both the Dundas BI website and the reverse proxy when using the Dundas BI deployment wizard. |
91594 | Measure formatting specified in an OLAP database and not within Dundas BI is now preserved as number formatting when exported to Excel. |
91597 | You can now choose to skip headers when exporting data to Excel or CSV. |
91612 | Dundas BI is now identified by default in the metadata of exported files, such as details shown in the file's properties in your operating system or in an image's EXIF data. This is configurable using the existing setting Creator Metadata Text in Administration. |
91740 | Optionally include an image of the entire dashboard when exporting to Excel. |
91755 | An update has been made to how Dundas BI uses the document.domain DOM property to ensure compatibility with future versions of browsers such as Chrome. |
91775 | The unique name for a hierarchy's All member can be viewed in a tooltip in filter/parameter controls like for other members when needed. |
91833 | When running the health check using the option to fix errors, health checks are prevented from running elsewhere simultaneously to avoid the possibility of any issues. |
91856 | A new health check DBI0045 has been added to verify that the Internal Application URL configuration setting is set correctly. |
92042 | A Dundas BI Gateway can now be used with your own Dundas BI installation or containers in the cloud to access on-premise data sources. |
92144 | Failure thresholds have been set on Dundas BI services on Linux to prevent excessive systemd log entries. |
92211 | Unchecking the Show Redundant Column Headers on a table visualization is now replicated when exporting its data to Excel. |
92215 | A search field has been added to the Active Logons and Logon History pages in Administration to allow you to search for sessions by identifying details such as session or account ID or IP address. |
92256 | Start and end date filters have been added to the Logs page in Administration, which also take effect when downloading the logs to CSV. |
92286 | Python version 3.9 is now used when Dundas BI is installed on Windows. |
92309 | When a new user registers on the logon page, the configuration setting Account Registration Email Address in Administration can optionally be used to send notification emails to a different address than the Maintainer Email Address or built-in administrator account email address. |
92319 | The metric set's natural language Assistant is more flexible with the wording used to start using a data cube. |
92443 | The dundas-bi-setup Docker image size has been optimized. |
92490 | The .NET data contract classes in the Dundas.BI.WebApi.Models namespace that can be used for convenience when using the Dundas BI REST API have been moved to a separate assembly named Dundas.BI.WebApiCore, so that you can reference it separately without the ASP.NET runtime. |
92718 | Support has been improved for certain combinations of state style settings in table visualizations when exporting to Excel with styling preserved. |
92753 | One-time session tokens are now available as an alternative to logon tokens when the session needs to be created through the API and customized ahead of time. |
92828 | A newer version of autoscaling is now used by the Helm chart provided for Kubernetes deployments as the previous version is being deprecated. |
92895 | Optionally use Docker images with tags ending with -slim for a smaller image size if support is not needed for Python, the metric set's natural language Assistant, ODBC, JDBC, or IBM Db2. Support for exporting content is also excluded from the -slim image but included in -slim-export. |
93008 | SSL client certificates can now be set up separately in each PostgreSQL data connector. |
93224 | A new argument is available to set the administrator email address when using unattended setup of Dundas BI application and warehouse databases with the dundas-bi-setup Docker image. |
Fixed issues
Ticket | Details |
80291 | Addressed an issue where data was not filtered as expected for certain token settings in a filter transform for data displayed using a time dimension hierarchy. |
87484 | Fixed a dialog's description incorrectly suggesting that multiple accounts could be selected when associating a token with an account. |
88934 | Addressed a file's updated description and tags not being included when re-publishing. |
89541 | Fixed an issue that could prevent data from showing correctly from an Excel file containing multiple columns with the same name. |
89585 | An error has been prevented from occurring in some cases when trying to connect to data using a Dundas BI gateway immediately after it was configured. |
89619 | Fixed an issue that could cause data point labels in charts to rotate incorrectly when set not to rotate if other labels are present that are rotated. |
91160 | Fixed an issue that could cause rotated column headers in table visualizations not to be aligned correctly when the dashboard's re-size mode is set to Scale. |
91590 | Addressed an issue where the menu component may scroll unexpectedly when hovering over a menu item after expanding. |
91892 | Fixed an issue that could cause the borders of small rectangles to remain visible in treemaps for existing values that have changed to zero. |
92300 | The metric set's natural language Assistant is now supported when Dundas BI is running directly on Debian. |
92352 | Fixed a description incorrectly shown in some cases when editing a tenant that suggested the tenant would use seats from the global pool of seats. |
92383 | Addressed an issue where the loading of a view embedded inside another view could be permanently interrupted when a user's custom script causes an error to occur within the handler of one of Dundas BI's events. |
92444 | The error message displayed when a metric set relies on a data cube element that can no longer be found has been updated to name the missing element. |
92536 | Fixed an error message unexpectedly displayed when using dependent filters and one is set to (none). |
92582 | Fixed an issue that could prevent interactions from being set up correctly for visualizations with multiple metric sets. |
92599 | Addressed an issue causing the provider ready event not to fire for reports when exporting to PDF. |
92637 | Fixed an issue that could cause rendering delays and too many axis intervals displayed during chart animations when there are large changes in the ranges of values. |
92677 | Fixed an issue affecting data point labels in charts where they can be initially misplaced if the animation can't transition smoothly. |
92697 | Fixed the error message displayed when trying to register for Dundas BI without an account name through the API. |
92776 | Addressed cases where hierarchy member unique names may be displayed in filters unexpectedly when set to a value that came from an incompatible time dimension hierarchy. |
92898 | Fixed an issue that could cause publishing to unexpectedly take a long time and possibly result in errors in certain cases. |
92917 | Fixed an issue that would result in an error in certain cases involving filtering user-defined hierarchies placed on Slicers. |
92946 | Fixed an issue when using in-memory data cube storage that could result in dependent filters not displaying values correctly. |
93045 | Fixed an error reporting files not checked out to the caller that were displayed incorrectly and prevented publishing in some cases. |
93125 | The performance of the health check DBI0225 for tenant user projects has been improved for some cases. |
93157 | Fixed an issue preventing color rules and state styles from applying correctly in word clouds depending on the order of the hierarchies in the metric set. |
93167 | Fixed an issue that could prevent Custom Text set on a column in a table visualization from being exported correctly to Excel. |
93168 | Fixed an issue that could cause null values to be overwritten by another column's values when a chart is exported to Excel with the option to preserve its styling. |
93258 | Fixed an issue where upgrading a Dundas BI instance may not complete in some cases where the Signing Certificate configuration setting has been set. |
93263 | Addressed an issue where Dundas BI may not run after installation when certain required Windows features are missing. |
93278 | Fixed an issue that could cause styling in Excel exports not to match the table visualization with certain combinations of state styles and alternating row styles. |
93288 | Fixed an issue where buttons may not work in the Import or Export wizards in Administration in some cases and for some window sizes. |