dundas.controls.ChartPoint Class

A chart data point.

Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description
chart Gets the chart this data point belongs to.
colorValues Gets the values to be used to color this data point using the series color rules.
dataSource Gets the data source object that provides this data point's values.
fill Gets or sets the brush used to fill the interior of the data point shape. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
groupingIndex Gets the index of the grouping within the series of this data point.
isCombining Gets a value indicating whether this data point is transitioning into another data point.
isDisplayedInLegend Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is displayed in the legend. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
isEntering Gets a value indicating whether this data point is transitioning into the chart after being added.
isExiting Gets a value indicating whether this data point is transitioning out of the chart after being removed.
isHovered Gets a value indicating whether this data point is currently hovered over by the user and not set as selected.
isMarkerEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether markers are displayed at the locations of the values of the data point. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
isMissingData Gets a value indicating whether this data point contains values calculated in place of data that was missing in the original data source.
isSelected Gets or sets a value indicating whether this data point is displayed as selected by the user.
labels Gets or sets the collection of settings objects defining labels to be displayed for each data point. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
legendCategory Gets or sets an optional category name used to group this legend items with others. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
legendItem Gets the legend item displayed for this data point.
legendText Gets or sets the text to display for this data in the legend, which can include data point keywords. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
markerFill Gets or sets the brush used to fill the interior of the data point markers. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
markerHeight Gets or sets the height of the markers. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
markerShape Gets or sets the shape of the markers. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
markerStroke Gets or sets the brush used for the stroke of the markers, drawn around their outside. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
markerStrokeWidth Gets or sets the width of the stroke of the markers in pixels. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
markerWidth Gets or sets the width of the markers. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
parent Gets a data point representing a superset of the values of this data point.
series Gets the series this data point belongs to.
seriesGroupingSource Gets the data source object used to group this data point within its series into multiple series.
stateIds Gets the IDs mapped to this data point identifying its states for state styles.
stroke Gets or sets the brush used for the stroke, if any. The stroke is drawn around the outside of the data point fill area. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
strokeDashType Gets or sets the type of dashes drawn by the stroke. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
strokeWidth Gets or sets the width of the stroke in pixels. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
tooltipText Gets or sets text including keywords to display in a tooltip for this data point. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
xValues Gets the values to be used by the series chart type to display this data point along the X axis.
yValues Gets the values to be used by the series chart type to display this data point along the Y axis.


  Name Description
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.
getDisplayedLabelText Gets the text displayed for a label for this data point.
getDisplayedText Gets the text displayed by this control given a text value that may include placeholder keywords.
getDisplayedTooltipText Gets the text displayed for the tooltip for this data point.
invalidate Ensures the data control is re-drawn using the current data and settings at the next best time made available by the browser. This method is normally called automatically when needed. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
toJSON Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's prototype property values when stringified. Inherited from Class.
toString Returns a string representation of this object. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.