 | fill |
Gets or sets the brush used to fill the interior of the data point shape.
 | isDisplayedInLegend |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is displayed in the legend.
 | isMarkerEnabled |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether markers are displayed at the locations of the values of the data point.
 | labels |
Gets or sets the collection of settings objects defining labels to be displayed for each data point.
 | legendCategory |
Gets or sets an optional category name used to group this legend items with others.
 | legendText |
Gets or sets the text to display for this data in the legend, which can include data point keywords.
 | markerFill |
Gets or sets the brush used to fill the interior of the data point markers.
 | markerHeight |
Gets or sets the height of the markers.
 | markerShape |
Gets or sets the shape of the markers.
 | markerStroke |
Gets or sets the brush used for the stroke of the markers, drawn around their outside.
 | markerStrokeWidth |
Gets or sets the width of the stroke of the markers in pixels.
 | markerWidth |
Gets or sets the width of the markers.
 | stroke |
Gets or sets the brush used for the stroke, if any. The stroke is drawn around the outside of the data point fill area.
 | strokeDashType |
Gets or sets the type of dashes drawn by the stroke.
 | strokeWidth |
Gets or sets the width of the stroke in pixels.
 | tooltipText |
Gets or sets text including keywords to display in a tooltip for this data point.