Represents a series of data points in a chart, each plotting values from a data source object.
 | annotations |
Gets an array of annotation styles to be displayed on this series.
 | chart |
Gets the chart this instance was added to.
 | chartType |
Gets or sets the chart type used to display the data points of this series.
 | chartTypeInstance |
Gets the instance of the current chart type from the chart, if currently assigned to one.
 | clusteredSeriesOverlap |
Gets the overlap between clustered series as a percentage.
 | clusterGap |
Gets or sets the gap to reserve between clusters of series around each X axis value. This is most common for bar charts.
The percentage may be relative to a single series or all series, depending on the value of the clusterGapType.
 | clusterGapType |
Gets or sets what the value of the clusterGap property is relative to when calculating the gap to reserve between clusters
of series around each X axis value. This is most common for bar charts.
 | clusterIndex |
Gets or sets the zero-based index of the position of this series side-by-side within a cluster of other series around each X axis value.
This is most common for bar charts. If there is data assigned to position the series within the cluster, it takes priority over this property.
 | connectingLineDashType |
Gets or sets the type of dashes drawn as lines between bars.
 | connectingLineStroke |
Gets or sets the brush settings used to draw connecting lines between bars.
 | connectingLineStyle |
Gets or sets the type of connecting lines drawn between adjacent bars.
 | connectingLineWidth |
Gets or sets the width of the connecting lines between bars in pixels.
 | connectingLineZIndex |
Gets or sets an index that can be used to customize the placement of the connecting lines in front of or behind other
chart elements. Chart elements with a higher z-index are drawn on top of elements with a lower z-index.
 | cumulativeValueType |
Gets or sets a specific type of value represented by this series for cumulative chart types such as waterfalls.
 | cursor |
Gets or sets the mouse cursor displayed for the data points of this series.
 | fill |
Gets or sets the brush used to fill the interior of the data point shape.
Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
 | fillOpacity |
Gets or sets the percentage of opacity of the data point fill.
 | groupingCount |
Gets the current number of grouped series the points within this series are currently divided into using groupingSource.
 | groupingPalette |
Gets an array of point styles to apply in sequence to the groupings within this series.
 | hasDataChanged |
Gets a value indicating whether the data source for this series has changed since the chart was last drawn.
 | isDisplayedInLegend |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is displayed in the legend.
Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
 | isLegendCheckboxEnabled |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a checkbox can be displayed when identifying this series in a legend
allowing it to be shown or hidden.
 | isMarkerEnabled |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether markers are displayed at the locations of the values of the data point.
Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
 | isVisible |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this series is visible and included in the scales of the axes.
 | labels |
Gets or sets the collection of settings objects defining labels to be displayed for each data point.
Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
 | labelZIndex |
Gets or sets an index that can be used to customize the placement of data point labels in front of or behind other
chart elements. Chart elements with a higher z-index are drawn on top of elements with a lower z-index.
 | legendCategory |
Gets or sets an optional category name used to group this legend items with others.
Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
 | legendText |
Gets or sets the text to display for this data in the legend, which can include data point keywords.
Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
 | markerFill |
Gets or sets the brush used to fill the interior of the data point markers.
Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
 | markerHeight |
Gets or sets the height of the markers.
Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
 | markerShape |
Gets or sets the shape of the markers.
Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
 | markerStroke |
Gets or sets the brush used for the stroke of the markers, drawn around their outside.
Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
 | markerStrokeWidth |
Gets or sets the width of the stroke of the markers in pixels.
Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
 | markerWidth |
Gets or sets the width of the markers.
Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
 | markerZIndex |
Gets or sets an index that can be used to customize the placement of markers in front of or behind other
chart elements. Chart elements with a higher z-index are drawn on top of elements with a lower z-index.
 | maximumWidth |
Gets or sets the maximum width as a percentage of the axis for bars or data points that are otherwise clustered around each X
axis value and normally sized by a percentage of the available space.
 | missingDataStyle |
Gets or sets properties applied to data points that display values calculated in place of data that was missing
in the original data source.
 | name |
Gets the display name for this series.
 | selectedPointStyle |
Gets or sets a point style object defining how data points that are selected should appear.
 | selectedSeriesStyle |
Gets or sets a point style object defining how this series or its groupings should appear when selected.
 | seriesLabel |
Gets or sets the settings defining a label to be displayed identifying this series (and each of its groupings if applicable).
 | stateStyles |
Gets or sets a set of styles to apply to data points in certain states.
 | stroke |
Gets or sets the brush used for the stroke, if any. The stroke is drawn around the outside of the data point fill area.
Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
 | strokeDashType |
Gets or sets the type of dashes drawn by the stroke.
Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
 | strokeOpacity |
Gets or sets the percentage of opacity of the data point stroke.
 | strokeWidth |
Gets or sets the width of the stroke in pixels.
Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
 | tooltipText |
Gets or sets text including keywords to display in a tooltip for this data point.
Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle.
 | unselectedPointStyle |
Gets or sets a point style object defining how data points that are not selected should appear when some data points are selected.
 | unselectedSeriesStyle |
Gets or sets a point style object defining how this series or its groupings should appear when other data is selected.
 | xAxis |
Gets the X axis this series is plotting against.
 | xAxisIndex |
Gets or sets the index of the axis in the xAxes property of the chart to plot this series against.
 | xAxisType |
Gets or sets whether to plot against the primary or secondary X axes.
 | yAxis |
Gets the Y axis this series is plotting against.
 | yAxisIndex |
Gets or sets the index of the axis in the yAxes property of the chart to plot this series against.
 | yAxisType |
Gets or sets whether to plot against the primary or secondary Y axes.
 | zIndex |
Gets or sets an index that can be used to customize the placement of data points (aside from their markers and labels)
in front of or behind other chart elements. Chart elements with a higher z-index are drawn on top of elements with a lower z-index.
 | fromJObject |
Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance.
Inherited from Class. |
 | getClusterValues |
Gets the values used to position the specified grouping within a cluster of series at each value along the X axis.
 | getGroupedPoints |
Gets the data points of this series or one of its grouped series.
 | getPoint |
Gets the specified data point of this series or one of its grouped series.
 | getPoints |
Gets the data points of this series or one of its grouped series.
 | getSelectedGroupings |
Gets the indexes of the groupings of points within this instance that are selected.
 | getSelectedPointCount |
Gets the number of data points within this series or one of its groupings that are individually selected.
 | getSelectedPoints |
Gets data points within this instance that are selected.
 | invalidate |
Ensures the chart is re-drawn using the current data and settings at the next best
time made available by the browser. This method is normally called automatically when
Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle. |
 | selectData |
Selects the specified data points or groupings of data points, de-selecting those previously selected.
 | selectRange |
Selects the data points falling within the specified ranges of X axis and/or Y axis pixel positions.
 | toJSON |
Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's
prototype property values when stringified.
Inherited from Class. |
 | toString |
Returns a string representation of this object.
Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartPointStyle. |