Shows the formula bar.
If this is for a calculated measure or totals calculation rule, the metric set binding, measure usage and adapter must be specified.
If this is for a formula visualization, only the scripted metric set flag must be set.
- metricSet
Type: MetricSet
(optional) The metric set that the formula is for.
Optional: True
- measureUsage
Type: MeasureUsage
(optional) The measure usage the formula is for.
Optional: True
- adapter
Type: Adapter
(optional) The adapter this formula is for.
Optional: True
- isScriptedMetricSet
Type: Boolean
(optional) Whether this formula is a script metric set or not.
Optional: True
- metricSetBinding
Type: MetricSetBinding
(optional) The metric set binding this formula is for.
Optional: True
- totalsCalculationRule
Type: TotalsCalculationRule
(optional) If set, this formula is for the totals calculation rule provided (which should be one of the ones on the measure usage).
Optional: True