 | actualBackground |
Gets the effective brush to apply as the background for the template area.
 | actualIsHidden |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is effectively hidden.
 | adapters |
Gets or sets the collection of control adapters contained in the template.
 | background |
Gets or sets the brush to apply as the background for the template area.
 | backgroundAdapter |
Gets or sets the adapter used to display the template area background.
 | columnSeparatorLineAdapter |
Gets or sets the adapter used to display the column separator line.
 | groupInstance |
Gets the group instance this template instance belongs to.
 | groupItem |
Gets the group item this template instance belongs to.
 | height |
Gets or sets the height of this instance in pixels.
 | hidePageHeaderAndFooterFromViewHeader |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the page header and footer will be hidden in the report header.
 | id |
Gets or sets the unique identifier of the template instance.
 | isHidden |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is hidden.
 | isHiddenIfEmpty |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is hidden when it contains
no adapters.
 | isPageBreakAfter |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a page break is inserted after.
 | isPageBreakBefore |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a page break is inserted before.
 | isPageNumberingResetAfter |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the total page count and page numbers are reset
 | layoutInfo |
Gets the layout information of this template instance.
 | paletteBackground |
Gets or sets the brush to apply as the background for the template area based
on the group background palette.
 | rowSeparatorLineAdapter |
Gets or sets the adapter used to display the row separator line.
 | state |
Gets the state of the template instance.
 | template |
Gets the template that this instance is based on.
 | templateCells |
Gets or sets the template cell adapters for this template.
 | type |
Gets the template instance type.
 | width |
Gets or sets the width of this instance in pixels.