dundas.controls.Toolbar Class


Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description
init Create a toolbar.


  Name Description
contentPaddingLeft Gets the paddingLeft value of content area.
controlContainer Gets the container of this control. Inherited from dundas.controls.FocusableControl.
expandedToolbarItem Gets the current expanded toolbar item, if exists.
isDisabled Gets or sets whether or not this control is disabled. Inherited from dundas.controls.FocusableControl.
isDisposed Gets a value indicating whether this instance has been disposed. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
isFocused Gets or sets the focused state of this control. Inherited from dundas.controls.FocusableControl.
isSubToolbarTinyMode Gets or sets if the toolbar is in tiny mode.
isTinyMode Gets or sets if the toolbar is in tiny mode.
jQControlContainer Gets the container of this control in JQuery object. Inherited from dundas.controls.FocusableControl.
parentFocusable Gets the focusable parent of this control. Inherited from dundas.controls.FocusableControl.
parentToolbar Gets the parent toolbar of this toolbar.
scrollerLeft Gets the scrollLeft value of scrolling area.
scrollerMarginLeft Gets the margin-left value of scrolling area.
subToolbar Gets the subtoolbar of this toolbar.
tinyModeManuallySet Gets or sets the value to indicate if the tinyMode value is manually set by the user
toolbarItems Gets array of toolbar items in the toolbar.
uiCache Gets the UI cache table Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.


  Name Description
bind Bind an event to this class object. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
clearToolbar Clears the toolbar.
dispose #region public functions Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
expandToolbarItem Expands the given toolbar item.
focus Put this control into focus. Inherited from dundas.controls.FocusableControl.
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.
getContainer Retrieves the toolbar container DOM.
getContextState Set the UI context state to be saved in dundas.UIContextFocus
getHeight Retrieves height of the toolbar.
getToolbarItem Searches for given toolbar item by caption.
hide Hides the toolbar, with animation.
hideSubToolbar hides the subtoolbar, with animation
insertCommands Insert commands into the toolbar.
insertToolbarItems Insert toolbar items to this toolbar.
isVisible Check if the toolbar is visible.
notifyContextChange Notify a context change.
onToolbarResize Waits and handles resize logic.
raiseBindEvent Fire the event specified with eventName, or subscribe a handler. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
removeToolbarItem Remove a toolbarItem from the toolbar.
resetPosition Resets the nav slide position.
setContextState Restore this control to the state as defined. Inherited from dundas.controls.FocusableControl.
show Shows the toolbar, with animation.
subscribe Subscribe or unsubscribe an event handler for an event. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
subscribeBlurred Inherited from dundas.controls.FocusableControl.
subscribeDisposed Subscribe to the disposed event. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
subscribeFocused Inherited from dundas.controls.FocusableControl.
subscribeOnce Subscribe a one time event handler for an event. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
toggleToolbarItemsGroupOff Toggles all toolbar items in matching group off.
toJSON Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's prototype property values when stringified. Inherited from Class.
trigger Raise an event. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
unbind Unsubscribe an event. if handler is specified, unsubscribe that handler. if no parameters are specified, unbind everything. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
unbindAll unsubscribe all events. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.