HierarchyService.getMembers Method

Gets multiple hierarchy members.



Type: String
The ID of the hierarchy to retrieve the members from or its parent entity.

Type: Object
The options to get the members.
     hierarchyUniqueName     [type: String]                                              - The unique name of the hierarchy.
     levelUniqueName         [type: String]                                              - The unique name of the level.
     memberUniqueName        [type: String]                                              - (optional) The unique name of the member.
     start                   [type: Number]                                              - (optional) The starting member index.
     count                   [type: Number]                                              - (optional) The member count.
     includeAncestry         [type: Boolean]                                             - (optional) If enabled, then the parentMembers will be populated (ancestry).
                                                                                         By default, this option is off as it can be expensive.
     bypassHierarchyCache    [type: Boolean]                                             - (optional) If enabled, then the hierarchy cache is bypassed for the retrieval call.
     bypassSecurityForAdmin  [type: Boolean]                                             - (optional) If enabled, then if the requesting account is an admin account, security hierarchy processing is bypassed.

     sortRule                [type: dundas.data.HierarchyMemberSorting]                  - (optional) The hierarchy level sorting rule.
     inheritedFilterValues   [type: Array, elementType: dundas.data.ParameterValue]      - (optional) Any inherited filter values to be passed along to the powering structure.
     memberFilter            [type: dundas.data.MemberQueryFilterRule]                   - (optional) The member query filter rule, if any.

     shownMembers            [type: Array, elementType: dundas.data.MemberValue]         - (optional) The shown members to limit the results to, if any.

     crossFilterValues       [type: Array, elementType: dundas.data.CrossFilterValue]    - (optional) The cross filter values, if any, which are used for interdependent filtering.

     tenantId                [type: String]          - (optional) If set, any tenant related data connector overrides will be used. System Administrators Only. 

Return Value

Type: jQuery.Promise
Value: Array
Element Value: HierarchyMember
A promise object that is resolved when the call is complete. If successful, the list of members is returned.