The options object for the creation of the bindings. Structure: changedMetricSetBindingId [type: String] - (optional) If the metric set binding's ID has changed, the previous one will be supplied. changedMetricSetId [type: String] - (optional) If the metric set binding's metric set ID has changed, the previous one will be supplied. metricSetBinding [type: dundas.view.controls.MetricSetBinding] - The metric set binding that is being modified. addedBindings [type: Array, elementType: dundas.view.controls.Binding] - (optional) An array of objects describing what is being added. removedBindings [type: Array, elementType: dundas.view.controls.Binding] - (optional) An array of objects describing what is being removed. changingBindings [type: Array, elementType: dundas.view.controls.Binding] - (optional) An array of bindings incorporating the changes. When IDs change, the bindings will match the current ones in the metric set binding by index, which will be updated after this method call. containedAdapter [type: dundas.view.controls.Adapter, optional: true] - (optional) The adapter contained within this instance on which bindings were changed, if applicable.