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PlaceHolder.generateMetricSetBindingFromNode Method
Generates a metric set binding (on the server) from a given node.
This is useful when an element is dropped somewhere and a metric set binding and the bindings should be generated.
Data is not retrieved for this call, the bindings are just generated.
- parentId
Type: String
The ID of the parent of the metric set to be generated.
- node
Type: ExplorerNode
The node that should be used for generation.
- placement
Type: PlacementPosition
(optional) The placement for the node.
Optional: True
- options
Type: Object
(optional) Additional options for generation, such as binding information. Structure:
bindingId [type: String] - (optional) The binding ID that the element was added for.
bindingName [type: String] - (optional) The binding name that the element was added for.
Optional: True
Return Value
Type: jQuery.Promise
Value: Object
A promise object that is resolved when the action is finished.
The returned object has the following structure:
metricSet [type: dundas.entities.MetricSet] - The metric set object that was created.
metricSetBinding [type: dundas.view.controls.MetricSetBinding] - The metric set binding that was generated.