IFileSystemServiceMoveEntry Method

Moves the entry with the specified ID.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.FileSystem
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
void MoveEntry(
	Guid entryId,
	Guid targetId,
	bool overwrite


Type: SystemGuid
The ID of the entry to move.
Type: SystemGuid
The ID of the target entry.
Type: SystemBoolean
A value indicating whether an entry with the same name in the target should be overwritten.

entryId is Empty.


targetId is Empty.

NotFoundExceptionAt least one of entryId and targetId represents an entry which does not exist.
DuplicateItemException An entry with the specified name already exists in the target and overwrite is .

Moving entries of the type corresponding to entryId into entries of the type corresponding to targetId is not supported (error code 2200).


The entry has been checked in at least once and would become a subentry (where previously it was not), or its associated primary entry would change from one entry to another.


The caller does not have the Read permission on one or more of the entries being moved.


The caller does not have permission to create items in the specified target entry.


overwrite is , an entry with the same name already exists in the specified target, and the caller does not have the Delete privilege on the entry which needs to be overwritten.

InvalidSessionExceptionThe caller context is not associated with a valid session.
See Also