Dundas.BI.FileSystem Namespace

Public classCheckInResult
Represents an object describing the result of a check-in operation.
Public classCheckOutResult
Represents an object describing the result of a check-out operation.
Public classDeleteResult
Describes the result of a delete operation.
Public classEnsureVisibleResult
Public classEntryCopyOptions
Specifies options for copying file system entries.
Public classEntryCreationOptions
Specifies options for creating file system entries.
Public classEntryTag
Represents a file system entry tag.
Public classFile
Represents a file in the application's virtual file system.
Public classFileSystemConstants
Constants pertaining to functionality in the Dundas.BI.FileSystem namespace.
Public classFileSystemEntry
Represents an entry (i.e. folder or file) in the application's virtual file system.
Public classFileSystemHelper
Helper methods for file system related operations.
Public classFileSystemQueryFilterRule
Represents a filter expression used when querying for file system entries.
Public classFolder
Represents a folder in the application's virtual file system.
Public classFolderIds
IDs of standard application folders.
Public classImageFile
Represents an image resource file in the application's virtual file system.
Public classObjectPrivilegeIds
IDs of object privileges.
Public classProject
Represents a project in the application file system.
Public classProjectPublishHistoryInfo
Represents project publish history information.
Public classPublishItemResult
Represents the result of publishing an item.
Public classPublishOptions
Specifies options that control the publish operation.
Public classPublishResult
Represents the result of a publish operation.
Public classRestoreResult
Describes the result of a restore operation.
Public classRevisionInfo
Provides information about a specific revision of an application entity.
Public classRevisionQueryFilterRule
Represents a filter expression used when querying for file system entries.
Public classUndoCheckOutResult
Represents an object describing the result of an "undo check-out" operation.
Public classUserProject
Represents a user-specific project.
Public structureIdRevisionPair
Represents an entity ID with an associated revision number.
Public interfaceIFileSystemService
Provides methods for accessing the application file system.
Public interfaceIProjectService
Provides methods for performing operations on projects.
Public interfaceIResourceFileService
Defining resource files related properties and methods.
Public enumerationAutoGenerateNameOptions
Specifies options for automatic generation of entry names.
Public enumerationCheckInFailureReason
Specifies possible results of a check-in operation corresponding to an individual item.
Public enumerationCheckOutFailureReason
Specifies possible results of a check-out operation corresponding to an individual item.
Public enumerationDeleteFailureReason
Specifies possible results of a delete operation corresponding to an individual item.
Public enumerationDeleteOptions
Specifies options that control the operation of deleting a FileSystemEntry.
Public enumerationEnsureVisibleFailureReason
Public enumerationFileSystemQueryField
A list of properties which can be used in a query to the application file system.
Public enumerationFileSystemQueryOptions
Specifies flags that control the way a file system query is performed.
Public enumerationGetEntryOptions
Specifies options that control the operation of retrieving a folder.
Public enumerationPrivilegeInheritanceBehavior
Indicate the inheritance behavior of a multi-value attribute.
Public enumerationPrivilegePropagationBehavior
Specifies how parent entity privileges are propagated to its children.
Public enumerationPublishResultStatus
The publish result status.
Public enumerationRestoreFailureReason
Specifies possible results of a restore operation corresponding to an individual item.
Public enumerationRevisionPublishPolicy
The publish policy of entity revision applied to a publish operation.
Public enumerationRevisionQueryField
A list of properties which can be used in a query to application check-in history.
Public enumerationUndoCheckOutFailureReason
Specifies possible results of an undo check-out operation corresponding to an individual item.