FileSystemConstants Class

Constants pertaining to functionality in the Dundas.BI.FileSystem namespace.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.FileSystem
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public static class FileSystemConstants

The FileSystemConstants type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberAnnotationsRootFolderName
The name assigned to AnnotationsRootFolder.
Public fieldStatic memberBuiltInRootFolderIds
Gets a collection containing the IDs of built-in root folder types (e.g. ProjectsRootFolder).
Public fieldStatic memberBuiltInRootFolderNames
Gets a collection containing the hardcoded names of built-in root folder types (e.g. ProjectsRootFolder).
Public fieldStatic memberBuiltInRootFolderTypes
Gets a collection containing the built-in root folder types (e.g. ProjectsRootFolder).
Public fieldStatic memberCheckInCommentMaxLength
The maximum number of characters allowed in a check-in comment.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultGlobalProjectName
The default name of the "global" project.
Public fieldStatic memberFileSystemMostRecentlyUsedListMaxSize Obsolete.
The maximum number of entries which are stored in the most-recently-used list for a specific account.
Public fieldStatic memberPathEscapeCharacter
The character used to encode path separator characters in file system entry names.
Public fieldStatic memberPathSeparator
The character used to separate elements of a file path.
Public fieldStatic memberProjectsRootFolderName
The name assigned to ProjectsRootFolder.
Public fieldStatic memberRecycleBinRootFolderName
The name assigned to RecycleBinRootFolder.
Public fieldStatic memberTempRootFolderName
The name assigned to TempRootFolder.
Public fieldStatic memberTenantProjectsRootFolderName
The name assigned to TenantProjectsRootFolder.
Public fieldStatic memberUserProjectsRootFolderName
The name assigned to UserProjectsRootFolder.
See Also