UserProject Class

Represents a user-specific project.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.FileSystem
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public class UserProject : Project

The UserProject type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllChildren
Gets a flat list of all files and folders in the entry and all of the entry's descendants.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyAllChildrenAndSelf
Gets the entry and all of its descendants.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyAllFiles
Gets a flat list of all files in the entry and all of the entry's descendants.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyAllFolders
Gets a flat list of all folders in the entry and all of the entry's descendants.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyChildCount
Gets the number of direct children contained in the entry.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyChildren
Gets the files and subfolders contained in the entry.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyCodeLibrariesRootFolder
Gets the code libraries root folder.
(Inherited from Project.)
Public propertyCreatedBy
Gets the account information for the user which created the entry.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyCreatedTime
Gets the time, in coordinated universal time (UTC), at which the entry was created.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyCubePerspectivesRootFolder
Gets the cube perspectives root folder.
(Inherited from Project.)
Public propertyDashboardsRootFolder
Gets the dashboards root folder.
(Inherited from Project.)
Public propertyDataConnectorsRootFolder
Gets the data connectors root folder.
(Inherited from Project.)
Public propertyDataCubesRootFolder
Gets the data cubes root folder.
(Inherited from Project.)
Public propertyDefaultTimeDimensionId
Gets the ID of the default time dimension to use for the project.
(Inherited from Project.)
Public propertyDescription
Gets an optional description associated with the entry.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyDiagramResourcesRootFolder
Gets the diagram resources root folder.
(Inherited from Project.)
Public propertyFiles
Gets the files contained in the entry.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyFolders
Gets the folders contained in the entry.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyFriendlyFullName
Gets the full path of the entry (friendly).
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyFriendlyLocation
Gets the location of the entry (friendly representation).
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyFriendlyLocationElements
Gets a read-only list of distinct path elements which compose FriendlyLocation.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyFriendlyName
Gets the name of the entry (friendly representation).
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyFullName
Gets the full path of the entry.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyHierarchiesRootFolder
Gets the hierarchies root folder.
(Inherited from Project.)
Public propertyId
Gets the unique identifier of the entry.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyImageResourcesRootFolder
Gets the image resources root folder.
(Inherited from Project.)
Public propertyIsFolder
Gets a value indicating whether the entry is a folder.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyIsProtected
Gets a value indicating whether the entry is protected.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyIsRecycled
Gets a value indicating whether the entry is recycled.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyIsRecycledDirectly
Gets a value indicating whether the entry is recycled directly and not as a part of parent entry recycling.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyIsSubentry
Gets a value indicating whether the entry is contained by a File.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyIsTemporary
Gets a value indicating whether the entry resides under a temporary folder.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyLastModifiedTime
Gets the time, in coordinated universal time (UTC), at which the entry was last modified.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyLocation
Gets the location of the entry.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyMapResourcesRootFolder
Gets the map resources root folder.
(Inherited from Project.)
Public propertyMetadata
Gets arbitrary metadata associated with the entry.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyMetricSetsRootFolder
Gets the metric sets root folder.
(Inherited from Project.)
Public propertyName
Gets the name of the entry.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyObjectType
Gets the type of the entry.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyParentId
Gets the ID of the item's parent.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyPrimaryEntryId
Gets the ID of the primary object which contains the entry.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyPrivilegeInheritanceBehavior
Gets the privilege inheritance behavior.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyPrivileges
Gets the entry's privilege assignments.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyProjectId
Gets the ID of the project containing the entry.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyReportsRootFolder
Gets the reports root folder.
(Inherited from Project.)
Public propertyScorecardsRootFolder
Gets the scorecards root folder.
(Inherited from Project.)
Public propertySlideshowsRootFolder
Gets the slideshows root folder.
(Inherited from Project.)
Public propertySmallMultiplesRootFolder
Gets the small multiples root folder.
(Inherited from Project.)
Public propertyStylesRootFolder
Gets the styles root folder.
(Inherited from Project.)
Public propertySubtype
Gets or sets the type-specific sub-type of the entry.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyTags
Gets a collection of explicit tags associated with the entry.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyTempRootFolder
Gets the root temporary files folder for the project.
(Inherited from Project.)
Public propertyTenantId
Gets the ID of the tenant associated with the entry.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public propertyThemesRootFolder
Gets the themes root folder.
(Inherited from Project.)
Public propertyTimeDimensionsRootFolder
Gets the time dimensions root folder.
(Inherited from Project.)
Public propertyVersionCode
Gets a number representing the current version of the file system entry's database record.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from FileSystemEntry.)
See Also