ILicense Interface

An interface including properties corresponding to License.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Licensing
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface ILicense : ILicenseBase

The ILicense type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBaseLicenseId
Gets the ID of a license on which the license represented by this instance depends.
Public propertyCpuCoreCount
Gets the number of per-server CPU cores which the license will support.
Public propertyDescription
Gets the description of the license.
Public propertyExpires
Gets the date/time when the license expires.
Public propertyFeatureIds
Gets a collection containing IDs of any features which are enabled by the license.
Public propertyFeatureProperties
Gets a dictionary containing arbitrary data used for application features. The key of the dictionary is the ID of the feature property.
Public propertyFloatingDeveloperSeatAllowance
Gets the number of floating Developer seats provided by the license.
Public propertyFloatingPowerUserSeatAllowance
Gets the number of floating Power User seats provided by the license.
Public propertyFloatingStandardUserSeatAllowance
Gets the number of floating Standard User seats provided by the license.
Public propertyGeneratedDate
Gets the license generated date.
(Inherited from ILicenseBase.)
Public propertyId
Gets the ID of the license.
Public propertyInstanceWideCpuCoreCount
Gets the number of CPU cores which the license will support across all servers in the instance.
Public propertyLicensee
Gets the name of the licensee.
Public propertyLicenseKind
Gets the kind of license.
Public propertyLicenseVersion
Gets the license version.
(Inherited from ILicenseBase.)
Public propertyOemLicensee
Gets the name of the Dundas partner or OEM provider which is distributing the license.
Public propertyOrderIds
Gets a collection of Dundas order IDs associated with the license.
Public propertyProductVersion
Gets the highest major version of the software on which the license will work.
Public propertyReleaseKind
Gets the kind of the release that the license works with.
Public propertyReplacedLicenseIds
Gets a collection containing IDs of any licenses which are replaced by this license.
(Inherited from ILicenseBase.)
Public propertyReservedDeveloperSeatAllowance
Gets the number of reserved Developer seats provided by the license.
Public propertyReservedPowerUserSeatAllowance
Gets the number of reserved Power User seats provided by the license.
Public propertyReservedStandardUserSeatAllowance
Gets the number of reserved Standard User seats provided by the license.
Public propertyServerCount
Gets the number of servers provided by the license.
Public propertyStatus
Gets the status of the license.
(Inherited from ILicenseBase.)
Public propertyWatermarkText
Gets the watermark text to show on top of any dashboards and reports.
See Also