Dundas.BI.Licensing Namespace

Public classLicense
Represents a license to use the software, which includes the mode of operation, constraints, and additional enabled features.
Public classLicense2
Represents a license (2nd generation) to use the software, which includes the mode of operation, constraints, and additional enabled features.
Public classLicenseBase
Base class for licenses.
Public classLicensedFeatureIds
Specifies the IDs of application features which must be enabled through a license.
Public classLicensedFeaturePropertyIds
Specifies the IDs of properties corresponding to licensed application features.
Public classLicenseElement
Represents an element of a License2 object.
Public classLicenseExceededException
The exception that is thrown when the limits imposed by the license(s) have been exceeded.
Public classLicenseFeatureElement
Represents a license element which enables the use of an application feature.
Public classLicenseHardwareAllowanceElement
Represents a license element which grants a hardware allowance.
Public classLicenseInstanceElement
Represents a license element for an instance of the software.
Public classLicenseSeatElement
Represents a license element which specifies a seat allowance.
Public classLicenseSeatPrivilegeIds
IDs of privileges corresponding to LicenseSeatKind.
Public classLicenseSeatUsage
Indicates the number of available and used licensed seats.
Public classLicenseSeatUsageDetail
Shows the usage of a particular kind of licensed seat.
Public classLicenseWatermarkElement
Represents a license element which specifies the application watermark.
Public structureSeatCount
Contains information regarding the number of seats (of a specific kind) provided by a license.
Public interfaceILicense
An interface including properties corresponding to License.
Public interfaceILicenseBase
An interface including properties corresponding to LicenseBase.
Public interfaceILicenseService
Provides an interface for managing application licenses.
Public enumerationLicenseElementKind
Specifies the kinds of license elements.
Public enumerationLicenseKind
Specifies the kind of license.
Public enumerationLicenseSeatKind
Specifies the kinds of license seats which can be assigned to accounts and groups.
Public enumerationLicenseSeatKind2
Similar to LicenseSeatKind, but distinguishes between reserved and floating seats.
Public enumerationLicenseState
Specifies the status of an installed license.
Public enumerationReleaseKind
Specifies a kind of release for the Dundas BI software.
Public enumerationSeatCountProperty
Specifies a kind of seat count property for the license.