License2 Class

Represents a license (2nd generation) to use the software, which includes the mode of operation, constraints, and additional enabled features.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Licensing
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public class License2 : LicenseBase

The License2 type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDeploymentId
Gets the ID of the deployment associated with the license.
Public propertyElements
Gets the collection of elements in the license.
Public propertyGeneratedDate
Gets the license generated date.
(Inherited from LicenseBase.)
Public propertyInstanceDescription
Gets a description of the instance (e.g. Production, UAT, Staging).
Public propertyInstanceId
Gets the ID of the instance associated with the license.
Public propertyIsValid
Gets a value indicating whether the license is valid.
(Overrides LicenseBaseIsValid.)
Public propertyLeaseAcquired
Gets the date (in UTC) when the lease associated with the license was acquired.
Public propertyLeaseValidUntil
Gets the date (in UTC) when the lease associated with the license will expire.
Public propertyLicenseVersion
Gets the license version.
(Inherited from LicenseBase.)
Public propertyNotes
Gets any notes associated with the license.
Public propertyReplacedLicenseIds
Gets a collection containing IDs of any licenses which are replaced by this license.
(Inherited from LicenseBase.)
Public propertyStatus
Gets the status of the license.
(Inherited from LicenseBase.)
See Also