Dundas.BI.Configuration Namespace

Public classAppConfigConstants
Constants pertaining to the application configuration API.
Public classAppSetting
A class used to hold an application setting and its outward facing information.
Public classAppSettingCollection
Represents a collection of AppSetting objects.
Public classAppSettingProperties
Class used to supply information when registering a new application configuration setting.
Public classAppSettingValidationRule
A class used to define rules for validating input on a configuration setting.
Public classAppSettingValue
Specifies the value of a setting for a specific scope.
Public classAvailableValuesCollection
Represents a set of configuration values which are available for a particular setting, and their corresponding user-friendly display names.
Public classCheckedBoundsValidationRuleTValue
Represents a rule for validating that a numeric value falls within a specified range.
Public classCompoundValidationRule
Represents a rule which is composed of other rules.
Public classConfigChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the ConfigChanged event.
Public classCustomValidationRule
Represents a validation rule which determines validity by evaluating a delegate.
Public classKnownDeploymentFlags
Deployment flags that are known to the application and affect which parts of the application are available.
Public classServerInfo
Represents information about a server running as a node of the application.
Public classServerRegistryChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the ServerRegistryChanged event.
Public classStringValidationRule
Represents a rule for validating strings.
Public classValidationParameters
Specifies parameters for validating configuration setting values.
Public interfaceIAppConfig
Provides access to the values of the application's configuration settings.
Public interfaceIAppConfigService
Service providing access to the application configuration.
Public interfaceIServerRegistryService
Service interface providing functionality for managing servers and server groups.
Public enumerationAppSettingScope
Specifies the scope of a setting's value in the application configuration.
Public enumerationAppSettingValueSource
Specifies where a configuration setting's effective value comes from.
Public enumerationAppSettingValueVisibility
Specifies a level of access required in order for the value of a configuration setting to be accessible.
Public enumerationAppSettingVisibility
Specifies the visibility level for an application configuration setting in a user interface.
Public enumerationServerRegistryChangeKinds
Specifies kinds of changes made to the server registry.