IAppConfigService Interface

Service providing access to the application configuration.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Configuration
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface IAppConfigService : IAppConfig

The IAppConfigService type exposes the following members.

Public propertyKnownGroupIds
Gets the IDs of all server groups which have settings.
Public propertyKnownServerNames
Gets the names of all servers which have settings.
Public propertySettings
Gets all registered application configuration settings.
Public methodGetAllEffectiveValues Obsolete.
Gets the effective value (for the current server) of all registered application settings. This method is deprecated, GetAllEffectiveValues(AppSettingScope, Object) should be used.
Public methodGetAllEffectiveValues(AppSettingScope, Object)
Gets the effective value of all registered application settings from the perspective of the specified scope.
Public methodGetAllValuesForScope
Gets all setting values explicitly set for the specified scope.
Public methodGetAllValuesForSetting
Gets the values for a setting at all scopes.
Public methodGetBoolean
Gets the effective value of the specified configuration setting as a Boolean.
(Inherited from IAppConfig.)
Public methodGetDateTime
Gets the effective value of the specified configuration setting as a DateTime.
(Inherited from IAppConfig.)
Public methodGetDouble
Gets the effective value of the specified configuration setting as an Double.
(Inherited from IAppConfig.)
Public methodGetEffectiveValue
Gets the effective value of the specified application setting from the perspective of the current server.
Public methodGetEffectiveValueForScope
Gets the effective value of the specified application setting from the perspective of the specified scope.
Public methodGetInheritedValueForScope
Gets the effective value of the specified application setting that would be inherited by the specified scope if it didn't supply a value.
Public methodGetInt32
Gets the effective value of the specified configuration setting as an Int32.
(Inherited from IAppConfig.)
Public methodGetString
Gets the effective value of the specified configuration setting as a String.
(Inherited from IAppConfig.)
Public methodGetTimeSpan
Gets the effective value of the specified configuration setting as a TimeSpan.
(Inherited from IAppConfig.)
Public methodGetUri
Gets the effective value of the specified configuration setting as a Uri.
(Inherited from IAppConfig.)
Public methodGetValueOrDefault
Gets the value of the specified setting in the specified scope, or the setting's default value if it was not set at the specified scope.
(Inherited from IAppConfig.)
Public methodLoadConfiguration
Reloads the configuration from the underlying storage mechanism.
Public methodRegisterSetting
Register a configuration setting so that it may be assigned a value and saved in the configuration.
Public methodSaveCurrentConfiguration
Saves the current application configuration back to the underlying storage mechanism.
Public methodSetValue
Sets the value of a configuration setting.
Public methodTryGetValueT
Gets the setting associated with the specified ID in the specified scope.
(Inherited from IAppConfig.)
See Also