IAppConfig Interface

Provides access to the values of the application's configuration settings.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Configuration
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface IAppConfig

The IAppConfig type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetBoolean
Gets the effective value of the specified configuration setting as a Boolean.
Public methodGetDateTime
Gets the effective value of the specified configuration setting as a DateTime.
Public methodGetDouble
Gets the effective value of the specified configuration setting as an Double.
Public methodGetInt32
Gets the effective value of the specified configuration setting as an Int32.
Public methodGetString
Gets the effective value of the specified configuration setting as a String.
Public methodGetTimeSpan
Gets the effective value of the specified configuration setting as a TimeSpan.
Public methodGetUri
Gets the effective value of the specified configuration setting as a Uri.
Public methodGetValueOrDefault
Gets the value of the specified setting in the specified scope, or the setting's default value if it was not set at the specified scope.
Public methodTryGetValueT
Gets the setting associated with the specified ID in the specified scope.
Typical use of this class involves using the GetValue(Guid) method to retrieve the effective value of a specific configuration setting. The full list of settings is accessible through Settings.
See Also