ISessionService Interface

Methods for performing session-related operations.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.AccountServices
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface ISessionService

The ISessionService type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetDynamicSessionProperties
Gets the dynamic properties of a session.
Public methodGetSession
Gets the Session with the specified ID.
Public methodGetSessions
Retrieves a list of sessions having the specified IDs.
Public methodIsSessionValid
Determines whether the specified session corresponds to a valid, not-expired session.
Public methodSessionQuery
Gets the sessions corresponding to the query criteria.
Public methodSessionQueryCount
Gets the number of sessions corresponding to filter criteria.
Public methodSetSessionCulture
Sets session culture associated with the specified session.
Public methodSetSessionCustomAttributes
Sets the values of custom attributes on a session.
Public methodSetSessionIPAddress
Sets the IP address associated with the specified session.
Public methodSwitchTenant
Switches the tenant of the current session.
Public methodTerminateAllSessions
[INSECURE] Logs all users off the system.
Public methodTerminateAllSessions(Guid)
Terminates all sessions for the specified account.
Public methodTerminateCurrentSession
Terminates the currently-in-context session.
Public methodTerminateSession
Logs off the session with the specified ID.
See Also