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DropDownList.generateBindings Method

Asks the adapter to create/update the bindings on the given MetricSetBinding. The _super method should be called first if automatic adding/removal is desired from metricSetBindings property, and bindings created/removed.



Type: Object
The options object for the creation of the bindings. Structure:
     metricSet           [type: dundas.entities.MetricSet]               - The metric set object that is the source of the metric set binding.

     metricSetBinding    [type: dundas.view.controls.MetricSetBinding]   - The metric set binding that is being modified.
     addedElements       [type: Array, elementType: Object]              - (optional) An array of objects describing what is being added.
         elementUsage    [type:]        - The element usage from within the metric set that is the column.
         bindingId       [type: String]                                  - (optional) The binding target ID that the element was added for.
         bindingName     [type: String]                                  - (optional) The binding target name that the element was added for.
         levelUniqueName [type: String]                                  - (optional) The level unique name that this element is for.
     removedElements     [type: Array, elementType: Object]              - (optional) An array of objects describing what is being removed.
         elementUsage    [type:]        - The element usage from within the metric set that is the column.

     adapterData         [type: Object]                                  - (optional) An object specified as the adapter data for the requested adapter info class.