LegendInfo.getControlInfos Method

Gets the information about the control types supported by this control adapter.



Type: Object
(Optional) If specified, an object with properties:
     metricSet                   [type: dundas.entities.MetricSet]   - A metric set to be displayed by one of the control types returned, for making recommendations.
     cellset                     [type: dundas.data.DataCellSetBase, optional: true] - The most recent cellset displayed for the metric set, if available.
     request                     [type: dundas.data.Request, optional: true] - The most recent request for data for the metric set, if available.
     repeaterGroupingHierarchies [type: Array, elementType: dundas.controls.GroupingElement, optional: true] - The hierarchies used by the repeater to repeat this adapter, if applicable.

Optional: True

Return Value

Type: Array
ElementType: Object
An array of objects with properties specifying meta-information about the controls:
     categoryName        [type: String]                      - The localized category name of the command to list this control within.
     subCategoryName     [type: String]                      - The localized category name of the command that will be created for this control.
     caption             [type: String]                      - The localized name of this control.
     description         [type: String]                      - The localized description of this control.
     adapterObjectName   [type: String]                      - The fully-qualified name of the adapter class that can be used to construct an instance.
     adapterData         [type: Object, optional: true]      - (Optional) Meta-data about this control to be passed to the adapter constructor.
     isFormulaMetricSet  [type: Boolean, optional: true]     - (Optional) True if this is a data visualization control that relies on a formula metric set.
     isEditModeOnly      [type: Boolean, optional: true]     - (Optional) True if control should only be available as a choice for editors.
     revisualizeAction   [type: Function, optional: true]    - (Optional) Called when the command is chosen from the re-visualize menu to override the default action.
     sortOrder           [type: Number, optional: true]      - (Optional) Determines the placement of the control's command compared with other commands' sort orders.
     defaultWidth        [type: Number]                      - The default width of the control in pixels when created.
     defaultHeight       [type: Number]                      - The default height of the control in pixels when created.
     toolbarIconUrl      [type: String]                      - The URL of the command image.
     toolbarCssClass     [type: String]                      - (Optional) A CSS class to apply to the toolbar item.


This method should be overridden to specify all supported control types for this adapter.