
Share & Collaborate

To facilitate collaboration on projects, a check in / check out model is used with items such as data connectors, data cubes, dashboards and more.

All of the work that you do occurs within the context of a current or active project, which allows multiple people to collaborate on its files.

Share a dashboard, report, or other view as a link or export it to other formats such as Excel, CSV, Image, PDF, and PowerPoint.

Notifications offer a way to send reminders, alerts, or the latest data based on a schedule or under certain conditions.

A note (or annotation) is a comment that is attached to a data point and displayed on a data visualization.

A data annotation (measure correction) is a change to a measure value in a metric set, which is then also marked with a comment in visualizations like a regular note or annotation.

The Properties dialog lets you view and edit the properties associated with a selected file or folder.

Dundas Data Visualization, Inc.
400-15 Gervais Drive
Toronto, ON, Canada
M3C 1Y8

North America: 1.800.463.1492
International: 1.416.467.5100

Dundas Support Hours:
Phone: 9am-6pm, ET, Mon-Fri
Email: 7am-6pm, ET, Mon-Fri