First Subset
The First Subset function returns the value(s) appearing first in an input data series.
When used in a formula visualization, you can specify a count of more than one, e.g, to return the first 3 values.
1. Syntax
2. Input
The First Subset function requires the following input:
- d0 - Input data values - The set of data values for which the First Subset is calculated.
3. Parameters
The First Subset function accepts the following parameters:
- s0 - First Subset Count (Optional) - The number of values to be returned by the formula. Default value is 1.
- Alignment (Optional) – Hierarchy placeholder to be used as the alignment axis. Specify a hierarchy to return the first input value(s) corresponding to that hierarchy's values: e.g., FIRST($Measure$, 1, $Year$) will return the first year within each grouping of years under another hierarchy's values such as Country.
When you use the FIRST function within a metric set, it can only return a single value (s0 must be 1). In order to return the first 3 values, for example, you must use a formula visualization. This applies to the other subset functions as well.
4. Output
The First Subset function generates the following output:
- First Subset - The First Subset result set.