This article shows you how to give a friendly name and description to a transform when editing a data cube.
If the structure of the data used as an input to a data cube changes, you can update the select transform with the added & removed columns.
This article demonstrates how to pass parameter values from a dashboard to a stored procedure.
This article demonstrates how to pass a value from a dashboard to a placeholder in a manual MDX select.
This article shows examples of filtering data using the filter transform with tokens as filter values.
This article shows you how to filter the data cube with complex logical expressions.
This sample uses the R language to create clusters using the K-means model.
This article shows how to display the top/bottom 'N' records and the sum of the remaining records using data cube transforms.
This article shows an example of how to use a stored procedure in a data cube with a parameter for selecting the top 'N' records and grouping the rest as 'Others' for a SQL data source.
This article shows how to replace the '(Empty string)' text from a data cube with an actual empty cell value.