Data Visualizations
This article explains how to set up what data is displayed and where in your visualization.
This article gives specific examples of how to configure the visualization tab of the Data Analysis Panel for various types of data visualizations.
A recommendation engine provides guidance to help you find the most fitting visualization according to best practices.
A table visualization lets you display data in a tabular view. A table is also known as a data grid or data table.
A chart (or graph) lets you visualize data points plotted along axes, such as bars plotting monthly sales compared with a line plotting the sales target.
A pie chart displays each value as part of a pie or donut representing its percentage of the total, and can display a sunburst made up of multiple levels or rings.
A waterfall chart displays the cumulative sum of a series of values.
Radar charts plot data points as symbols, lines or areas in a circular layout.
A legend automatically provides a key to the colors used by other data visualization controls such as charts and maps.
A data label is a data-driven text label that you can add to your dashboard, report, scorecard, or small multiple.
A data image is an image visualization based on your data, which you can add to your dashboard, report, scorecard, or small multiple. Use it to show a different image depending on data values.
A gauge is typically used to visualize single-valued metrics, such as the total revenue for the year-to-date. There are both linear and radial (circular) gauge types available in a variety of configurations.
A state indicator can display a different color and/or shape depending on the state of your data.
Maps display geographic information in the form of shape, path, and symbol elements. Then you connect these elements to data so that their appearance will change based on data values.
A diagram connects your data with a custom diagram that can arrange and display your data however you choose, such as against an interior floorplan, a figure of a piece of machinery, or a flow chart.
A treemap is a visualization that can display a large amount of hierarchical data using nested rectangles of varying size and color.
The relationship diagram arranges items in your data based on the relationships between them in a freeform graph.
The Sankey diagram displays how quantities are distributed among items between two or more stages.
The tree diagram displays the hierarchical structure of a set of data.
A chord diagram displays interrelated data arranged around a circle, and the quantities between each pair of items.
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