Dundas BI is a champion in SoftwareReview’s Emotional Footprint Report
16 business intelligence and data analytics vendors were evaluated by real users of the software in Info-Tech’s 2020 Emotional Footprint Report. Dundas BI received the highest user sentiment scores of any vendor evaluated.
The report illustrates high-level user sentiment by aggregating emotional response ratings for the vendor-client relationship and product effectiveness, creating a powerful indicator of overall user feeling toward the vendor and the product.
Check out these user satisfaction ratings
Dundas is Continually Improving
At Dundas, innovation never rests. We’re constantly moving forward, bringing you cutting-edge capabilities to handle your data analytics.
Dundas is Trustworthy
We’re not just another 1-800 number. At Dundas, we fully immerse ourselves in your projects and work tirelessly to deliver the exact solution you need.
Dundas is Respectful
Client success is our identity. Whether it’s a one-time request or an on-going relationship, you can expect us to always give you our best.
See how real users feel about Dundas BI across five key categories
- Service experience ⟶ Good service matters. Dundas treats its customers well before AND after purchase.
- Negotiation and contract ⟶ Negotiations don’t have to be adversarial. We work together to find the best deal.
- Strategy and innovation ⟶ We don’t just keep pace with market directions, we set the trends.
- Product impact ⟶ Dundas BI is secure, reliable, will enable your performance and productivity, and will propel you forward.
- Conflict resolution ⟶ Dundas handles disagreements reasonably, fairly and amiably, giving you peace of mind.

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